Beat Sugar Addiction Now - For Kids {Review}

Image : Amazon
How often do you allow sweets at your house?
When Marc was deployed, Broxton had none....
Then, daddy came home and it was time to spoil him!!!
We have tried doing really good with sweets, as in just special occasions and desserts, but when you have friends and family always giving him sweets, it gets hard at times!
To the point where I actually had to ask a friend to NOT give him anything sweet for Easter, as we still had birthday candy, valentine candy, and candy from 3 Easter parties!  (All of it from other people, as we bought NONE of it!)

As much as Broxton loves sweets, I would not say that he is "addicted" to it... Not like the kids they mention....  This book talks about seeing if you have a sugar addicted child...   Broxton loves fruits and veggies... Broxton loves meat... but yes, he loves candy too!!!

I loved looking at this book, as it is full of useful information:

Chapters:  (With each section having Parent Pull Out Sheets)
One - Getting Started : The Parent Tool Kit for Ensuring Success
Two -  Part 1 -  Step 1 - How to Limit Liquid Sugar in Your Children's Diet
           Part - The Lowdown on Liquid Sugar
Three - Step 2 - Revamp Breakfast
Four - Step 3 - Limit Sweets to One Per Day and Enjoy Healthy Snacks
Five - Step 4 - Make Over Dessert
Six - Step 5 - Find and Replace Hidden Sugars

I really like how easy the book is to read... not only that, but it also has charts in there to help explain things a bit more.  Yes, I have a four year old.. and this book works for us, but it also works if you have older kids...  tweens / teens... and even has a section about working with limiting sugar in your spouse... I am telling you this, because even though it says for kids... you can use it for any age!!!!

Bottom line - if you want help weaning out sugar in your life.. Or need to know more about the bad effects from too much sugar... (or want to try and explain it to someone else!)   Look no further!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


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