Lift the Flaps and Learn to Count - to 100?!!!!

Whenever we get a new book here, I am always so excited to read and explore with Broxton.
We were recently asked if we wanted to check out a "life the flaps book."
Of course, especially when it was full of 100 lift the flaps!!!

David Carter's 100 Lift the Flaps and Learn to Count does not disappoint!
The day it arrived, we were outside enjoying the weather and Broxton was in his sandbox.  He loves books, so he asked me to read it to him... As I started the book, he quickly got out and came to climb in my lap.  As we turned the pages, I was worried that with 100 flaps, he would lose interest...
That did not happen, instead, he was more and more thrilled with the book and wanted to go through it all again when we were finished!!!

In this particular book, each 2 page spread has a "theme" full of flaps...
From the depths of the ocean to the hustle and bustle of a city street...   Each page has 5 things to count... so you have 5 per page, but it adds up to 10 per scene.
I really liked that, as we are still learning our numbers!
Broxton can count up to 20, but then it gets a bit lost... at least this way, we can continue to work on them, without it being overwhelming!  

We have enjoyed this book and I know we will continue to use it, not only to work on our counting, but to enjoy the book as well!  I loved it and thought it was different, yet fun!!!
Here is a link to it on You Tube if you want to check it out:

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. We have so many of his books already. I can't give them up. Huge David Carter fan. I love this new one!


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