Ripley's Believe It or Not - Dare To Look

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

We love the Ripley's Books around here... 
I was excited when we were sent the newest one, Ripley's Believe It or Not - Dare To Look 2013 .  This is the 10th "annual" book from Ripleys.  I had no idea...   At first, I wanted to save it for a Christmas gift for Marc, but then I thought about it... I knew he would love to look at in now.

Yes, I went ahead and gave it to him then... 
Know what he did?
He sat in that chair and flipped through pretty much every page until he was finished with the book...  Then, he and Broxton looked through it again.
I have not had a chance to look at it yet, but Marc has called me over on numerous times to have me look at something that he found interesting... 

I asked him what he thought...
His response?  "  It was Great!!!  There was so many things in there that I did not know about!"  Looks like this is one that the boys will be checking out when they come to visit!!!

One that made me say "WOW":
A carrier pigeon that was used in WWII was found (yes, dead) in a chimney... the message still attached with the little red capsule...   We will never know what the message said, as it was in code long forgotten.  

 I really enjoyed looking at the Human Flowers... Actually, Marc called me over to look at the photos and we both oohed and ahhed at them!!!

If you are a fan of Ripley's Believe It or Not... I say hurry and grab it while you can!!!
(Never too early to start thinking Christmas gifts!)

Don't forget... Ripley's goes a step further...
They have The ODD SCAN where you can download their app to see more extra footage!


  1. Oh my gosh, Noelle! My two oldest boys LOVED LOVED LOVED Ripley's. I can't believe I forgot that tidbit, lol!!

    This is a fun review!

  2. I got my nephew one of these last year. It's perfect because it's good for many ages.


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