Socks or Shoes? Crisis Avoided!!!

With school being back in, life is starting to somewhat settle down...
I say that, but we shall see...
I did want to share with you something:

We went to get Broxton a new pair of shoes for school.
(The older boys all got their new shoes at the start of summer... but we waited for Broxton.  You know, at that age, who knows what "thing" is going to be what he is all excited about!)
Well, he wanted Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shoes... and was SO EXCITED to get them.
We even made him wait to wear them the first time for the first day of school...

He was so thrilled about these shoes (I do love the bright green soles) so I had to take a picture to document this for when he is older....     But then, get this...  Morning of, he was all happy and ready to go... Until he realized that the shoes were going to cover up his Angry Bird socks and he wanted to be able to show his socks to his teacher and friends...  

I am talking about he decided that he did not want to wear the shoes, just the socks that day...
Obviously, that was not going to happen... So, he wore his shoes...
But you better believe that as soon as he walked in that classroom, he took his shoes off to show his teacher his new shoes!  Once that was out of the way, he was able to put his shoes on and enjoy the day of school.
Crisis Avoided ;)

How did the first day go for your house?


  1. And the teacher is instantly in love with one of her students. LOL, I love this story!

    First day back here is just after the holiday.

  2. They are really cool socks!

  3. That's funny! I don't usually buy character shoes, but I saw these supportive Spider-Man ones that I knew Isaak would LOVE. I caved.


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