YoYo Lip Gloss Justice Edition

FTC Compliant Review Policy: 
The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

I think school is in pretty much everywhere now...
With that, here is a new product that is sure to be a must have for some of the kids you know!!!
YoYo Lip Gloss Justice Edition:

This lip gloss is available in 17 different letters...  As well as 3 different color/flavor combinations!
(Don't worry.. if they don't carry your letter, just grab the one with the peace sign!  Hey, some might want that instead of their initial!  Or your "boyfriends" initial ... Just saying!)  Where was this when I was a teenager?!  

Make sure you like YoYo Lip Gloss on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. These would be great stocking stuffer ideas at Christmas time.

  2. Oh yes, this one's going to be on my radar, this IS perfect for a Christmas stocking stuffer (and I've already started storing for the nuts...haha, I couldn't resist the play on words). ;)

    Great product info!! Grazie. :)


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