Libby's Is Here to Help with #Back2School Lunch Ideas!

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

School is about to start here and that means I am already trying to figure out lunch ideas... and after-school snacks for us.  It was hard last year, as he gets in his mind he will only eat certain things at home (one was sandwiches) and it makes sending lunch a challenge...  
I will say that I am lucky that he loves his fruits and veggies, so when I heard that Libby had small containers of fruits and vegetables, I was excited to check it out...
He is a fan of peas and corn, so I do see them being in the lunch bag off and on throughout the year!!!  

We were sent a couple different products from Libby to try and I was just as excited to try them out as he was!  There are times when I really want a vegetable and no one else thinks a certain one will go with our meal, now I can just grab a cup and be happy with my own food plate!

I loved the portions of each of these.. and that they are in toss away containers makes it great for us to pack as lunches.. No need to worry about making sure he doesn't lose any dishes while at school.
If you are concerned about the waste of the containers - check out their website for how they share with you how to make "Sweet corn frozen pops."

Another thing I liked when seeing their recipe box on the site?
Fruit Dip with Cinnamon Sugar Scoops!


  1. The fruit cups are so convenient! I didn't know Libby's packaged vegetables this way, though. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is perfect for me too, when I want green beans. Can you believe I'm the only one in the house who likes them?? The fruit cups would be great for hubby and the kiddos' packed lunches.


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