Minnie Mouse on all sorts of Adventures

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Calling all fans of Minnie Mouse ---  
A couple new books are available for you to check out!  
If you are planning a trip to Disney, this would be great to give them before you go... Perfect for reading in the car or on a plane!
Although these books have Minnie Mouse as the main character, Broxton still enjoyed reading and seeing the adventures Minnie went on!!!

Minnie's Summer Vacation  has us with Minnie and the gang as they set out to find something to do.  Each character wants to do something different - from swimming to hiking, swimming to fishing... and all Minnie wants to do is take pictures!  Will they be able to find a way for them all to enjoy their day??

Minnie - Wishing on a Bow  was a cute one, since we got to meet Teeny the little genie that appears in a magic lamp. What a cute story as we see Minnie try to complete her largest bow order yet -- and it is due the following day!  How will the order be taken care of??  

Minnie - Hocus Bow-cus lets us go to Minnie's bow-tique for a magic show... We get to see Penguini the magician ...  We have met him in previous books (Minnie in Paris)  Watch and see what Minnie's nieces are up to during the magic show!!!

As I said, Minnie is the main character, but we did enjoy each book. So, no worries if you have a house full of boys or a group of mixed age kids.. Everyone will love the stories!!


  1. We have some super cut really old Minnie books. My girls love them!

  2. I love the bright and cheery illustrations. Very colorful too!!

  3. My cousin's son was just singing the Mickey Mouse Club House song yesterday at the family reunion.


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