Pineapple or Coconut? What is Your Favorite @NoosaYoghurt Flavor?

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Not that long ago, I was surprised with a nice treat...  A wonderful treat from Noosa yoghurt.  (If you have not tried it yet, you are missing out!)  With that treat came tickets to experience SkyView in Atlanta... that would be our big Ferris Wheel, for those not familiar with the area.  Of course, I was thrilled to add that to the list of awesome things I have been able to do with Broxton...
But, I wanted to tell you about the yoghurt for now. 

Image - Noosa
I am sorry that I do not have  an image of the product to show you... Truth be told, as soon as it is opened, it is quickly enjoyed... and I actually tried taking photos a couple times, but they just did not turn out that great...  So - just take my word on the photo.. Okay?
On to the Yoghurt...
I love that I can eat yoghurt and have a great tasting snack whenever I want... not to mention that it is actually good for you compared to other tasty treats!   I have been lucky enough to work with Noosa in the past, so when the announced they were releasing new flavors -  pineapple and coconut - I was eager to try it out!  
I just knew that I was going to absolutely love the pineapple and hate the coconut, but once they arrived, I was surprised that I loved both --- but chose coconut as my favorite!  Noosa has several "street teams" around the USA, so keep your eyes open and you might get to try some out yourself!!
The day they were at SkyView, we had friends meet us and they also were able to enjoy Noosa!  
Thanks to the Noosa team, I was able to take several containers of the Yoghurt to one of my moms meetings to let the other moms try them out...  It was funny watching them grab a thing of it and sit down to enjoy it!  Some made comments about the flavor (and how creamy it was) was a shock at first, but they really enjoyed it.  I actually did not have anyone say anything bad about them and I asked them to be honest!
I have loved every flavor of the Noosa that I have had... and now I see that they have released Pumpkin as a new flavor as well!  Looks like I will need to go and try that soon!  (Not to mention I still want to get my hands on the Peach flavor soon!)  

We have enjoyed having Noosa as a breakfast treat... I have served it by itself, but also added granola and other treats to change it up as well.  Not only breakfast treats, but it has been a hit here as an afterschool snack and surprisingly it has been a hit for a pre-bedtime snack!  
If you haven't tried Noosa yet, I suggest you do!  (With the holidays approaching, this would be a great item to have on hand to treat overnight guests with a special treat for breakfast!)

Thanks to Noosa Yoghurt for not only treating us to the yoghurt, but also the treat of a day at Sky View Atlanta!!


  1. I think I'd like pineapple in yogurt more than coconut. I like coconut, I just don't know if I'd care for it in yogurt.

    What a great picture of you 2.

  2. Oh my gosh you guys are brave. I'm scared to go on Ferrish Wheels, but a couple years back we went on one in Chicago because it was SO big, we had to experience it (smart, right?). Of course we got stuck one car past the top, lolol. But it was still an experience. :) I haven't tried Noosa Yoghurt, but I will see if we have it here! I think I'd like pineapple and coconut too!

  3. I am not a fan of coconut but the pineapple sounds great

  4. Ohh I hadn't heard of them before, I'll have to try it!
    p.s. Love Skyview!


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