Know the Answer Sooner with First Response #IC #ad

FTC Compliant Review Policy:
The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

“I participated in a Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for First Response. I received product samples as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”

When you think you are pregnant, you immediately rush to the store to purchase a home pregnancy test.  Well, at least that is what happens in our house when this happens.  I normally try and buy more than one, as I need to be 100 % sure in the outcome. There are many tests out there and you can pretty much buy them anywhere.  You want to make sure it is a name you can trust, so look for the pink and white box that says First Response on it. 
When we first thought we were pregnant with Broxton, I don't know how many tests we took. They all said we were, but I needed to be sure.  I tell you, it is a bit awkward to use some of those things... Then, when Savannah came along, again, I needed to be sure..  We bought tests, took tests and then scheduled our appointment with the doctor to "officially" confirm that we were indeed pregnant. How emotional is that moment?  I know I was crying happy tears when I was pregnant and sad tears when I wasn't.  It is a life changing event and you want a name that has been around for some time.
While pregnancy warnings and advice has changed over the years, you need to know that pregnancy tests are changing as well!   They are trying to make the tests easier to use and read and of course, that makes it better for those of us taking the test! 

With the First Response Pregnancy Test, you get their " Comfort Sure Design."
Do you know what that means? 
*** Longer handle - I don't know about you, but that is a good thing in my book.  Not really wanting to take the test only to end up with pee on my own hand.  This helps to eliminate that issue.
*** 50% wider tip - Another positive in my book.  I was always so scared I would somehow or another miss that little area I was supposed to aim for, resulting in off results. 
*** Cutting edge curved shape designed to fit a womans hand
*** FDA Approved
*** Designed to detect all forms of HGC throughout pregnancy
*** Detects pregnancy up to 6 days before your missed period
*** Easy to read results in 3 minutes with over 99% accuracy from the day of expected period
*** TWO PINK LINES = You Are Pregnant!  
*** Test can be used at any time during the day - I really like this feature, as most say to use first thing in the morning, but you and I both know that you are dreading that wait until morning...   You want to know now and now you can! 

Knowing you are pregnant is a great thing, as you can make sure you are taking the best care of your body for you and baby.  I know that with me, the sooner I knew, the better I was as far as nerves were concerned and for the health aspect of taking care of both of us!  The fact that you can purchase these basically anywhere (price ranges from $8.99 - $15.99) you can have a peace of mind early on.  Also, it is quite fun to take a picture of your result to send along to family and friends if you are ready to share the results early on. 

Remember the brand, First Response...   They even have a link where you can click for a $2 off coupon on their website.    If you are trying to become pregnant, make sure you have a test to help you determine when it is a positive result! 

Do you remember where you were (or who you were with) when you took your first test?


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