Stimulate Baby Brain Growth with a Cute Toy - #RumpleBuddies #BringingHomeBaby #BabyEvent

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.
Ever since we found out we were pregnant, Broxton has been concerned that the baby would not have enough toys to play with.  Every time he goes into a store, he wants to buy a toy of some sort for her.  We have been lucky to only have him buy her 2 at this time, but I know more are in store. 
I learned with Broxton that there are many extra items that we purchased and did not need... Well, I don't want to make the same mistake this time around.  I want to purchase things that are beneficial.  One thing?  Beary Rumples from  Rumple Buddies.

Beary Rumples is just one of the products available from Rumple Buddies.  I love that they not only send you the Rumple Buddies toy, you also get a book to go along with it! 
They also have Bunny Rumple, Kitty Rumple, Monkey Rumple and even Rider Rumple!  

Rumple Buddies is a toy that stimulates the brain for kids.  It is red, black and white. (I learned from the past that the contrasting colors of black and white will help to grab the attention of the child)  It is super soft, so children will love it, but there is a twist... It is filled with crinkle paper inside it, so as the baby plays with it, it makes the crinkling sound that will make them want to continue to explore. 
Click on over to their site to see the research that they have online to see why you need to purchase one today! 

Broxton was very excited that we had a really neat toy for Savannah to play with.  I was happy that it was one that would be fun for her to play with and add for more than just a random toy to sit in the corner, it will have endless hours of fun for her to play and explore!  

If you are not familiar with Rumple Buddies, please go and like them on FACEBOOK now.


  1. This is cute. I remember having toys and a play mobile in the white, black and red colors for my kids

  2. I always love books that come with things. We have a few books like that.


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