Reading Rainbow - If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

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Image Credit:  Amazon
As far as I know, I had never seen an episode of Reading Rainbow, until we received a review copy. Broxton knew the book "If you give a Mouse a Cookie" so I thought he was going to enjoy it. Little did I know that this was going to start the whole DVD off with showing us how to make bowling balls (so we were both interested in watching it!  He even quit playing with his toys to come sit and give his whole undivided attention!)
The four episodes / books included on this DVD are as follows:
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” – Reader: Beth Howland
One thing leads to another in this episode, with LeVar in a bowling alley, showing how certain actions lead to consequences. Included is a piece on an expert at domino displays and domino art. Beth Howland reads “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie,” the tale of a little boy who offers a cookie to a mouse, and all the events that occur afterwards as a result.
Owen” – Reader: Matthew Broderick
It’s easy to get flashbacks while watching READING RAINBOW. Now it’s LeVar’s turn, as he gets in touch with visions of “his boyhood.” Matthew Broderick reads “Owen,” about a little mouse who’s very attached to his security blanket and doesn’t want to give it up, even if it means he will be teased when he starts school.
Two Old Potatoes and Me” – Reader: Jordan Puryear             
Jordan Puryear reads “Two Old Potatoes and Me,” about a girl who works with her father to recycle two old potatoes by replanting them using the sprouts to grow a whole new crop of potatoes. LeVar, working with his daughter, is inspired to make a potato dish from a recipe in the book.
Mr. George Baker” – Reader: Wayne Brady
Wayne Brady narrates the story of an elderly man who decides to go back to school to learn to read, even though he is almost 100, and his relationship with his young neighbor as they wait for the bus every day.  
You all know how much we love to read here, so if we can continue to grow our love of books by watching a DVD from time to time, then watching this DVD is a great way to explore even more books!  Are you familiar with Reading Rainbow?  Let me know!!


  1. I always loved Reading Rainbow when I was a kid. I still remember the theme song. I made a spin off of that book for a graduation speech a few years back. I called it, "If You Give a Grad a Cupcake". I know name and what they are eating are supposed to start with the same letter, but it still worked.


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