Ally-saurus and the First Day of School #BackToSchool

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I don't know how the first day of school went for you or your children, but I hear that many young ones have a hard time adjusting.  It was easy for Mr. Social (Aka Broxton) but it was tough on me when he started K3 and then again when Kindergarten rolled around.  Not because I was worried about him, but because I was watching my little one grow up and hitting milestones.  It was a sweet emotion... but emotional all together.  To get us ready for school, we read books and talked about how things would be.  I love the book part, as it helps to show different situations.
We were recently sent a new book, by Richard Torrey.  It is called Ally-Saurus and the First Day of School.  I really thought this book was super cute and for me, I loved the illustrations. If you look at the cover (below) you will see what I mean.    See Ally-Saurus?  Shes an adorable little girl, but then you see where the illustrator added on the dinosaur tail and scales on the head.  It is like that throughout the book for whatever the child is discussing.  In this book, Ally-saurus heads to school and meets a wide variety of children. (Love that they were from all backgrounds.)  They don't really seem to get along with her "dino" outlook, as the little girls are "princesses" and are not fans of Ally-saurus.  Read the book to see what all ends up happening. I love that the parents, nor teacher make her conform to being something she doesn't want to be.  We are all free to be US!!!!   This has a cute story / illustrations with a great message too!  

Barnes and Noble Overview: 
You can call her Ally-SAURUS! When Ally roars off to her first day at school, she hopes she'll meet lots of other dinosaur-mad kids in class. Instead, she's the only one chomping her food with fierce dino teeth and drawing dinosaurs on her nameplate. Even worse, a group of would-be "princesses" snubs her! Will Ally ever make new friends?

What is it that your child is really into right now?  For us, it was Storm Troopers... but now he is just really into LEGO. 


  1. This does sound like a cute book, esp nice for kids starting school ever, or a new school, or something scary to them! I was one of those who threw up, etc.

  2. Mica's super into Legos, and Isaak changes what he's into every day.

  3. This sounds super cute and a good way to learn that you don't have to conform!


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