Cascade Ice Drink Recipes - perfect for warmer days, or whenever!

School might have stared back where you are, but if it is anything like Georgia, we are still having the heat of summer temperatures.  Want a refreshing drink?  You know, football season is almost here (YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!)  Why not treat your guests to a great tasting treat of a drink?   

FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Cherry Limeade Fro-Yo Float
Start with 6oz of Cascade Ice Zero-Calorie Cherry Limeade
3 cups of ice
2 cups frozen yogurt
Combine ingredients in a blender until slushy and divide.
Garnish with fresh cherries and lime 

Berry-Kiwi Frozen Mojito
4oz of Cascade Ice Kiwi
1oz of Cascade Ice Wild Berry
1 cup of ice
frozen berries of your choice
(and rum if desired!)
Blend until slushy
Top it off with fresh strawberries and mint 

Coconut Mango Sorbet
In a blender, puree mango chunks and Cascade Ice Coconut Mango until smooth. 
Chill for 1 hour, and then freeze in your ice cream maker. 
When ready to serve, add 1/3 cup of sorbet to each glass, then fill with Cascade Ice Coconut Mango for this frozen, low calorie treat!


  1. I want to try them all! I'd go with Coconut Mango Sorbet first though.

  2. The flavors sounds tasty!
    Definitely need the cold drinks here.


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