Did you call it Junior High? ( We called it Middle School) #TheWonderYears Season Four

We are fans of The Wonder Years around here. I don't know if I ever told you this, but I tried to buy this on DVD years ago.  Little did I know that it was not an official version, meaning it was a bootleg version.  Talk about frustration!  Yes, it showed up on little DVD's in protective sleeves, not even in a case and once we tried to watch, we were in for a surprise... grainy reproductions on some and others didn't even work at all. Needless to say, we gave up on it and I learned my lesson.  I am so thrilled that Time Life has worked out all the details, because now we have each season on DVD and that means it is a happy house!!!! Here is information on Season Four of The Wonder Years...

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Entering his last year at Kennedy Junior High, Kevin should have it all figured out, but things don't go as smoothly as he had hoped - Winnie is going to school across town, he gets decked by Becky Slater (again!), and is faced by a new challenge in French class the sweet talking, mousse-making Madeline. There is also tension at home as Jack gets a new position that takes him on the road, Norma starts work at Kevin's school, and Wayne and Kevin battle it out for Karen's room. Winnie and Kevin struggle to maintain their relationship, suffering heartbreak, denial, and even injury in the tear-jerker episode, The Accident. Its a roller coaster ride, but the gang makes it to graduation and kisses Kennedy Junior High goodbye.

Are you a fan of The Wonder Years? 


  1. I do love it. I had forgotten who Karen's boyfriend was until I saw it again.

  2. Who was Karen's boyfriend? And boo to bootleg!

  3. We have Primary school in my country :)


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