What was your first concert? Theirs was @Kidzbop #KBLifeoftheParty

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(Just a friendly reminder... all photos belong to me. As cool as I know my kids are and yes, we go on some pretty fun adventures, please don't take my photos without permission.)  
FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

If you are a reader that has been around for a bit, you probably know that my son is a HUGE fan of Kidz Bop.  We have who knows how many of the CD's.  He watches the You Tube Video's to see them dancing.  He loves it.  For years now, he has BEGGED me to take him to see Kidz Bop in concert, but they have never been near us. Until this year!   Yes, they came to Alpharetta, Georgia for the Life of the Party Tour and I knew that I would win major mom points if we made it to the show.
This was his first concert (unless you count NKOTB when I was pregnant... but you know what I mean!)  and he was so excited.  We were invited to attend, it was at Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. That place is nice, I have never been there and I was impressed!
We got there and headed to our seats.  Yeah, lets just say ORCHESTRA Level.  We were row M, so that tells you how close we were!   They also have lawn seats and I am sure that was a blast.  Having Savannah there with us, I was thankful for the seats!   He was beyond excited and kept asking how long until it would start. 

See me peeking in the background? Yeah, it was HOT (to me) so I didn't want to be in a photo, but I did want to somewhat be in it to remind them of this event!   

I will admit, I was a bit blah about going.  I mean, lets be real.  Me, with a 7 year old and a 1 year old. At a Kidz Bop concert.  Knowing it was going to be full of who knows how many little screaming kids, I started dreading it for a bit...  Then we walked in.  Seeing the excitement on the faces of all of those kids.  Seeing the moms and dads dancing and singing with them, having a great time making wonderful memories.  Yes!  It was worth every single second!  

First concert = SUCCESS!!!!

They had a hype guy come out and get everyone going. Of course he asked how many were there as their first concert and the place went wild.  The show started and Matt, Grant, Sela and Ashlynn made their way out on the stage.  OH MY GOODNESS.  I know good and well that they were exhausted when they ended the show because they whipped, nae-naed and every thing else the whole time. They took one small break, but come on, they were FULL OF ENERGY the whole time!  

Even Savanah had a great time. She was so curious about all going on the whole show.  
Yes, she has shorts on.  They were super short and I told her when she got older they were the kind she would not be allowed to wear.  We have to start setting limits now! (Smile) 

I really loved the interaction with the crowd. They had 4 dads get up there, moving and dancing to the whip/nae - nae song.  They also had another time when they had 4 kids get up there.  Oh, they even had everyone grab their phone to call and dedicate a song to someone and they grabbed a phone from the audience and put them on speaker for us all to hear.  It was cute and fun.  They threw out t-shirts, they threw out bracelets... They made the night so spectacular for all the kids that were there and I am sure it will be a great memory for years to come!  (I can not forget that they even had huge beach balls being passed around for the final song, Cake by the Ocean!)

To say that we had fun is an understatement.  It was really a great time and I am so glad that my hesitation didn't stop me from having an awesome time with my children.  Soon enough they will be too grown to hang with mama, so this was worth it all!   

I don't know what it is about this photo, but I absolutely love it.  This was towards the end and he was still in amazement of "seeing the Kidz Bop kids in front of me instead of on You Tube!" 
They are still doing the Life of the Party Tour with more dates, so make sure to head over to see if they are coming any where near you.  I am telling you...  it really is a great time.  
Oh, in case you were curious... Because I was, I wanted to know how long the show was.  So of course we went to google.  We found where someone said it was an hour and 20 minutes, with a rain delay.  Well, in our case, the show was supposed to start at 7:30. The hype guy came out about 7:35-7:40 ish.  They played, they took a break and then we were in our car at 9:40. Just so you know!   I was hoping it was going to be a short one, but once it started, it was like all other concerts, I was hoping for just one more song!  Encore! Encore!  

What was your first concert?


  1. I was hoping they'd come close enough to us to visit, but they didn't. I'd love to take my boy to one of these. He's Mr. Kidz Bop too. :) Glad you had a fabulous time!

  2. I'm glad you all enjoyed the concert! Your little ones are growing up so fast.
    The hype guy always take his time :)

    My first concert was a Christian choir concert. It was really wonderful!

  3. How fun! I don't know what my first concert was. Maybe 311. They grew up in Omaha. I went to their shows before they became big.


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