Have a Tween or Teen? Light their Style!

Every time you turn around, there is something new, different and pretty dang cool.
I know that as a kid growing up in Georgia, we went to Stone Mountain.  They had the laser show at night... and you would see people walking around selling the glow in the dark necklace/bracelets...
You could buy a couple and twist them, or wave them in the air...

Well, now you can have all sorts of glow in the dark LED fashion, without having to go to a show to get them.
Just head on over to Radar Marketing and see what all products they carry.

We were lucky to review a couple different items and I tell you, the boys were pretty excited over the light up shoe laces.
I gave them to one of the boys... He IMMEDIATELY had to get his shoes and put them in right at that moment... No need to worry that it was daylight out... he was just that excited.  So, we laced them up... and of course that meant showing them to his brothers... Uh Oh... Probably needed more! Well, they decided to share... so, that crisis was missed... It was easy to lace (and unlace) to transfer to other shoes.  I liked that there was an on/off switch that was easily accessible.

We were also sent a pair of  light up earrings.
I do not wear earrings anymore, so I figured I would give them to my little cousin.  I know she will find them neat and it is really a conversation starter... I think these would be fun to add to a bachelorette party or something for a fun night out!

The final item we were sent for review was the light up hair.
It comes with a little black clip that is easy to add to your hair.  I tried it in my hair as well as the boys and it stayed in all of our different hair types!
I think it would be pretty fun if you work in a bar to wear it for a night shift...
Or if you are going to a concert...
Heck, just wear it around the house to add a bit of fun and laughter :)

So- if you are planning an event, or just want to have fun... Why not contact them to see about adding a splash of color for your exciting event?!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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