In a World of their own, the kids have Kidlandia

I know as parents we want nothing but the best for our kids…
Yes, they have to learn things and we are their first teachers…
Although, at times, they are in a world of their own, lol…
I guess that was where Kidlandia came up with their name! 
That being said, I was so glad to have the chance to work with Kidlandia in hosting new review for you. 

In the past, I had the chance to review one of their place mats
It was too big for Broxton’t high chair, so we did not use it that much…
But, now that he is pretty much at the table (unless he knows it’s messy and requests his high chair,) we can use it…
It is super sturdy, so I know it will be around for quite some time.
Broxton doesn’t eat 24/7, so he doesn’t get to use the place mat all that much. 
So, instead of ordering another place mat, we decided to go a different route, but with the same theme…

We ordered the Map of the USA Fine Art Print for him!  I was so excited, as I really want him to know a little of this and a little of that.  I am a lover of travel (although we don’t go anywhere now…) but I want him to know all the states and hopefully have the chance to visit each and every single one of them… at some point or another.   The colors are bright and vivid.... Not to mention that you get free personalization
It is sad, back when I was working, we were bored one day and tried to name all 50 states (we were adults and it took a bit of time… then, we got worried as to if we would be able to do it if we had a blank map!) 
So, one of my goals is to work and work with Broxton to make sure he knows all the states and their capitals… of course, that includes their location!

The other item we reviewed is a pillowcase.  I could not resist it! 
The one we went with was a family tree pillowcase
It has his brothers’ name on it!
It is just so cute and I know it will get much use… from sleeping at night to lounging during the day! 
I love that it is super comfy… and ….  It even has Thumblebottom on there, so you know that makes the world a better place!  Ha ha ha…
Now, the picture on my computer screen is from their site and is much darker than the one we received.  I am not sure if it just looks darker on the computer or what, but I personally like the printing on ours better... it is like a more muted color, so to me, it makes it more "peaceful" and sleepy, versus the one on the screen which makes me want to play!  
Broxton has not seen it yet, as he will be getting it for his birthday! 
Talk about a nice family keepsake for a sweet little boy!  

I think that all of the Kidlandia items are great keepsake gift ideas!  
We have been really impressed with the quality of everything.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. I so need to head over and explore.

  2. Love the pillowcase idea! I ordered Grant and all my nieces and nephews the place mats. The United States for boys and same for girls but in the pink theme. I also changed the name at the top to say "America". You can add their name anywhere on the mat and that is what I did. They were a HUGE hit! Grant points out GA and tells me that is where Nana and Aunt Mush live! He knows Kentucky too ;)


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