Kidfresh is such a help on busy days! @KidfreshFoods #Giveaway

As I have told you before, we love the Kidfresh Products!
It is easy to prepare... (right at 3 minutes and you are good to go!)

I like it because as soon as Broxton sees the box, he gets excited about his meal!
We tried the "Muy Cheesy Quesadilla" before.  Broxton did not like them (he doesn't like them from anywhere, I just wanted to see if these might peak his curiosity...)
He did LOVE the Wagon Wheels Mac + Cheese though.
I like it because it has shredded cheese... (Not some powdered stuff.)
Also, it has carrots!  No, not chunks of carrots (nor can you taste them) but sure enough... Carrots are on the list of ingredients!   They mix the carrots in the cheese sauce!  Talk about getting it all in!  LOVE it!
Needless to say, we normally get a couple boxes of these!

This time around, we also had the chance to review the Rainbow Rice + Chicken.
I wanted to try this last time, but our local Publix (click here to see where you can purchase KidFresh Products) only carries like 2 or 3 different products at a time.  Luckily, this time, they had the Rainbow Rice.  It was so good and at first I was curious as to if Broxton was going to eat it or not... He just kept looking at it... Then, he took the first bite... then another... Until it was completely gone.  Okay, not completely.. There were a couple grains of rice and a kernel of corn...  That was until he asked me to help him get the last bit.  Once he was finished, I doubt you could even taste what had once been in there! I liked that they mixed white and brown rice in here, a nice change up for him!  We will be getting that again.  Normally he picks out the veggies or chicken (at least when I make it) so I was happy to know he ate it all!

The Kidfresh line has 6 to choose from...  I personally like knowing that these are on hand.  The days that we just make a quick sandwich or something, it is nice to know we can make a healthier alternative for Broxton.

If you want to know just how great Kidfresh is...
Head over and read the OUR PROMISE section.

Would you like to try the Kidfresh Products for yourself?  
Kidfresh is giving one lucky reader two coupons for a free product of choice!  

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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