Be Who You Are - Cassandra's Angel Book Review

I love books.  We all know that.  I love reading to Broxton.  He loves when I read to him... 
We read all sorts of funny books, look at picture books, silly books... 
But most of all, it is the time we share when reading... 
The time of bonding, learning and growing.

I really love when I find a book with a good moral for him.
Yes, he is almost three, he isn't going to know everything, but he knows that I am always here for him, to help when I can.

I started reading Cassandra's Angel to him and he seemed to really be focused on what I was reading.  

The book starts with Cassandra's Mom calling to her to come clean her room...   I know that I have to tell Broxton to clean his up several times a day... 
I see it as a mess, but he sees a world of excitement and discovery!  
When reading this book, it was more than just a book for him, it was a book to help me out too!  The mom in the book tells Cassandra she is a mess... That really did nothing to help her self esteem!  So, she sets out to clean her room (and herself) up to her mothers standards.  Yes, I loved the way that turned out, but I took  it that we should really watch how we speak and what words we use when talking to our kids.

Throughout the entire book, Cassandra is just being a typical kid... 

But, she hears so many negative comments, that it really wears her down...
She is messy, she is different, she is incorrigible....
She finally decides that she just needs someone to talk to ... 
Someone that will KNOW she is not all of those things... 
Of course, that person is too busy.

That really opens your eyes up.
Are we all to busy to listen to the youth of today?
Are we filling them full of negativity, when we should be encouraging them to grow?  To laugh, to explore.. TO BE KIDS.
The end of this book is great... Cassandra's Angel comes along to show her to follow her heart... That these people once were the same as her, they have just forgotten it over the years!  

I loved this book, as it does encourage everything I want in Broxton!  
We have read it several times and will continue to read and enjoy.

With so much bullying these days, it is wonderful when you read a great message like this.  Remember, we are the first step when it comes to our kids..  
The step to show right from wrong... 

To help them grow, instead of keeping them sheltered.  

Please follow Cassandra's Angel on Facebook and Twitter.
 Together, we all CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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