Have You Noticed Kraft Milk Bites in Your Refrigerated Section?

As a mom, I am sometimes rushed... Or, sometimes things come up and I can not always do as planned...
I have been sick for a bit now, at first, I thought it was just allergies and did not really worry about it (besides the over the counter medicines...) but finally, the pain was too much and I had to go to the doctor...
I have a bad sinus infection and a "horrible ear infection" going on...
Not fun.
That being said, I have been out of it a bit around here...  I mean, I was in PAIN.  Like, I felt my head was about to explode off of my body...
Wonder why I am telling you all of this?
Just to lead up to telling you about a life saver this last week or so...

Have you seen them?  Have you tried them?
It is actually made with Real Milk... they are in the refrigerated area of your stores.
We received the Strawberry and the Chocolate ones for review.

Now, I am not one that gets up and makes homemade waffles or anything for breakfast... but, with me being under the weather lately, it was nice to have Broxton just be able to go in the refrigerator and grab one for breakfast.  He has really enjoyed the chocolate the most (those have been afternoon snacks) and the strawberry is my favorite!  I really want to try the peanut butter ones, but will make sure to let Marc know they will not be allowed to go to school with Broxton.  
I actually read on their website that you can freeze them, and then when you throw them in their lunch bag in the morning, they will be perfectly thawed by lunch time! We will have to try that out!  I have been impressed by them (and the fact that Broxton loves them) so I know that this will be a lunch item for when he starts school!

Why are these so great?
The taste is great... not to mention that by eating one, it covers 30 % of your daily value of Calcium, also giving you 5 grams of Protein.  As if that wasn't enough, it is a great source of Fiber and Vitamin D!

I think they are just the right size, smaller than a candy bar, but larger than a little taste!  I would love to see them expand to other flavors down the line!  You could have these as a breakfast bar, a treat at lunch, an afternoon snack, or if you have bedtime snacks, they would work great then as well!

If you are not a fan of chocolate or strawberry, no need to worry!  They also have Peanut Butter, Mixed Berries and Oatmeal Raisin!  (I will have to get the Oatmeal Raisin for Marc to try!)

Follow Kraft MilkBites on Facebook and see what "Mel" is up to!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation .


  1. These sound like a wonderful snack food.

  2. I've heard of them, but I had no idea they were in the refrigerated section! Now I know where to look! Thank you! nom nom


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