Have You Been To Russia? I See the Sun in Russia review

Since we can not afford (financially or time wise) to just hop on over to other area's of the world, I am glad to know that we can explore and learn about other area's from reading.  If you remember my review on I See The Sun In Afghanistan, you will know that I really enjoy this series.  
Dedie King and Judith Inglese just released their fourth book.  
The latest?  We get to visit Russia!  

I See the Sun in Russia follows the life of a young boy named Anton.
Through this book, we learn that Russia is a city very much rooted in the arts...

Anton was lucky enough to pass the exam to allow him to go to a special school....  His brother goes to the basic public school, but we only follow Anton on this one.  His day starts like all kids, getting ready... followed by classwork.  Lucky for us, we get to follow him to the museum for a field trip this particular day... The school day ends with music lessons and then an ensemble, with him getting picked up at 6 pm.  
I really enjoyed how this book mixed a few of the Russian terms (Babushka means grandmother or can mean old woman)

As with all the books in the series, I really enjoyed the unusual illustration of mixing the photographs with drawings.... As well as the English with Russian translation of the story on each page.  

It was nice reading this with Broxton and talking about how although we live in different countries, we are both similar and different from one another at the same time.  
I read on their I See The Sun site that the next books in the series will focus on India and Mexico.  I think both of those would be great to read as well!
Do not forget the first three books before this are : Afghanistan, Nepal and China!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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