Build A Bear Workshop - Broxton Has A New Friend #Atlanta

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***** ALL PHOTOS are property of Jumpin Beans Blog.  Written permission is needed for use of any of these photos.  

If you were here yesterday, you know that we had a great time at the Build a Bear Workshop grand opening the other day.  
Bathing the bear after he was completed. 
You could pick out whatever outfit you wanted to  ( price varied depending upon the outfit chosen)  I thought for sure that Broxton would want the CAPTAIN AMERICA one, but he decided to go with an ARMY one like his daddy.  
In the dressing station.
So, after you make your special friend... You just have a few more things to do before you are ready to take it home.
Broxton and his new friend, Derry. 
Then you head over to the X-Ray station. (Not sure what it is called, but it was  like a n X-Ray area...  You could see what all you placed in your friend.)  
Before you leave, you get a birth certificate with a photo of your  new friend.   It even has their date of birth on it like a real birth certificate!  

 We had such a blast there!!!  It was such a great experience for Broxton.  For me, I loved watching him get to pick the different characteristics that he wanted to add to make his friend special for him.  For Broxton, his favorite part was bathing his bear.  (It really was neat, you lay your friend on a different touch screen tablet and then the bubbles start... They even have a bar of soap, scrub brushes, and even boats for the kids to "play" with their friend while they bathe him.)  I know that the little kids will love being able to make their own special friend, but also older kids will love making it too, since they can pick all the different things (from  the voice box to the scent to the characteristics to the clothing... )  We had such a great time and it was so fun seeing the smile on Broxton's face.  I absolutely loved the staff too!  They took time to talk to the kids, they were friendly and although they were super busy, they seemed to take time with each person individually! 

Make sure to visit a Build A Bear near you!!!!


  1. This is such a fun experience for kids, and it doesn't stop when they're 14-yr.old daughter still loves Build-a-Bear too!

    Glad you had such a nice time, it does look fabulous.

    The birth certificates are such a cute touch. :)

  2. Looks like a great time and lots of fun for kids!


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