Naturally Based Products - @zimsusa For Skin Care Needs

FTC Compliant Review Policy:
The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Zim's CRACK Creme Original Liquid Formula is an All-Natural multi-use liquid herbal formula that softens and moisturizes dry, cracked skin. Recommended for nighttime use but can be used throughout the day as well. Use on Hands, Feet, Elbows, Cuticles & More. It was developed by a pharmacist over 60 years ago when cement workers came to him complaining of dry, cracked skin on their hands and feet. This oil formula features Arnica Flower Extract and Myrcia Oil.

May effectively help relieve pain from:
Sore Muscles & Muscle SprainsBack, Shoulder, Neck PainPainful Ankle, Knee, Hip & Elbow JointsMuscular Strains

Zim's Heat: May effectively help relieve pain from:
ore Muscles & Muscle SprainsBack, Shoulder, Neck PainPainful Ankle, Knee, Hip & Elbow JointsMuscular Strains

If you "LIKE" Zim's on Facebook, you can grab a $2 off coupon right now!
(Not sure how long it will be up, so take advantage of it while you can!)
My thoughts:
I immediately wanted to try the crack creme.  I was sent the oil bottle.  I was hesitant to try it out, since I was thinking "creme" but I went for it.  I just put it on my feet (I have BAD dry feet...) and went to bed... I did not notice any odor, so that was a plus for me...  I will say, I would like to try this again... but I would want to try the creamy formula.
As for the Heat and Freeze...   I have not had to use these yet... I plan on giving one to my mom, as she would be more apt to use it at this point...   I will see which one she wants and then keep the other for Marc.  With his working on the railroad and for the ARMY, his muscles and joints do tend to ache.
I did open to see about the smell.  The freeze has a slight scent of menthol...  ( I expected that)  and the heat also has a scent.  I am not really sure what it is though.  Neither were bothersome to me and I would bet that the scent on both would vanish rather fast.

If you are one that has aches and pains... I would totally recommend giving Zim's a try.
The reason I say that:  Zim's is made of "naturally based products"  and it was started over 60 years ago.  If it did not work, I do not think it would be around 60 years later...   Companies with long history like that seems to be few these days. 


  1. These products sound great! We've had skin issues in the past. Mainly with the boys. I just have to watch that the products I use are sulphate free.

  2. Items like this are good to have on hand, just in case, and I think you're right about the 60 years, that's def. a great testimony towards the company.


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