Team UmiZoomi- Animal Heroes

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Life has been pretty busy lately..
Between life in general and Broxton finishing up his first year of schoool...
Oh, and did I mention that my brother grabbed this little ol' thing called a "MASTERS DEGREE?!"
Well, between all of that...
We were sent a new DVD for Broxton to watch.
I try to let him come home and unwind from school with a little down time and what better way than Team UmiZoomi?  I love the UmiZoomi's as they teach ... not just entertain!!!!  Broxton loves watching them too and asks for them over and over again. 
I remember growing up and hating some of my classes, I would always think "what do I need to learn this for?  I will never use it... "  and that was mostly for science and math...  Luckily with the UmiZoomi's they teach math with everyday lessons, so he is learning while being entertained... 

Team Umizoomi: Animal Heroes Episode Synopses:

Purple Monkey Mission
There’s a new animal coming to the Umi City Zoo—Purple Monkey! But when Purple Monkey is accidently dropped into the icy cold Penguin House, it’s up to Team Umizoomi to help him get to the Monkey Jungle!

Buster the Lost Dog
When Buster the dog accidentally jumps into the back of a truck that carries him far away, it’s up to Team Umizoomi to help rescue the puppy and bring him back to the park!

Cuckoo Bears
The Cuckoo Bears, a band that lives inside the Umi City Cuckoo Clock, lose the gears that give them their power! Will you help them find and fix the gears before the clock strikes 12?

Animal School House
Farmer Dan’s animals are missing from his farm! Join Team Umizoomi as they search for missing mice, chickens, pigs and one stubborn donkey!


  1. Congrats to your brother, and three cheers for Umi Zoomi (who doesn't love Bot??). :)

  2. I've seen this posted on other sites. I should give it a shot.


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