Build A Bear Workshop Opens a New Store #Atlanta

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 A couple of weeks ago, we were invited to the grand opening of the newest Build - A - Bear Workshop at the Mall of Georgia.  I went years ago, but Broxton had never been before.... So I was so excited to give him the opportunity.
I tell you, it was crazy!!!
We got there about 9:50 (the store opened at 10 am)  and there was already a line.  It was pretty cool though, they had a school group that was there beforehand making bears to give to other kids...   So, I waited out front with everyone else as we prepared for the ribbon cutting ceremony.    The BABW mascot, Beary, came out to greet everyone and then the festivities were underway!!!
Beary meeting everyone there for the ribbon cutting ceremony.
Once you get inside the store, you look at all the different options of animals to choose between.  They are all displayed on the wall with the animal in the basket for you to pick for making... 
After the CHOOSE ME station where you pick your animal to make, you then head to the LOVE ME station where you prepare the heart for your animal.  
One of the new interactive stations.  
Preparing the heart to go into the bear he chose.  
 It was so neat, you place the heart on the screen. It was like a large touch screen tablet, then, you moved over the different qualities that you want your new friend to have.  You could pick several different qualities... and you guessed it, Broxton picked them all .  
At Build A Bear, you can even add a voice box to specialize your animal .  Broxton went  with one that  was a little boy saying 6 different phrases.  You could pick one that said things, or even one that would play music!  
Up next was time to stuff it!  
Before they add the heart to the animal, you have to rub it on your muscles for strength and even give it a kiss for love!
Adding the heart, the voice box and the scent disc.
Make sure to come back tomorrow to learn more about our great day!!!!


  1. Awwwww, rubbing on your muscles for cute is that?!

  2. I love Build-a-Bear, and how cool that you got to go to an opening ceremony!

    We built an owl a few years ago, with a hoot in him, and he's still a family fave. :)

  3. Very cool! We've never been to build-a-bear, either! And, I just wasn't willing to drive that far:)

  4. We love to visit the one near us.

  5. I'm yet to visit one of these shops. I really need to go before the kids are too old for it :)

  6. I love that you can add voice boxes to them.

  7. Broxton picked them all? How cute is that?!!!


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