Are Your Eyes Protected? June 27th is #nationalsunglassesday

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

This past week, I had the opportunity to attend my very first webinar!  I know, this might be a thing of the past for you, but it was my first time and it was pretty informative ... Especially so much information in such a small time frame!
The webinar I attended was hosted by Dr. Dora Adamopolous, "a medical adviser to The Vision Council" and we learned all about protecting your child's eyes.   I will totally admit that I wear sunglasses when outside (and when I have my contacts in) but it is more for the comfort of not having the sun blinding me, I never really gave it much thought about the "safety issue" of it all.  After attending this webinar, I realize I was having major #MOMFAIL moments and that is about to change NOW!  

Just a few things I learned:  
Why is UV Protection Important?
Short term vision problems :
Hyper sensitivity to light

Long term UV -Related Eye Damage:
Premature aging of the skin; wrinkles and sunspots
Pteygium (abnormal growths on the eye and eyelid)
Macular degeneration
Cancer of the eye, eyelid and surrounding skin

Other things I learned?
Your eyes can get SUNBURNED!  I never really thought about it before the webinar, but I do now!
Also, did you know that kids eyes are so much more sensitive?  
As in ---
Children receive 3 times the annual adult dose of UV radiation.
Children are particularly vulnerable to UV damage because they have larger pupils and clearer lenses.

Bottom line is this---  No matter if it is summer or winter.. Sunny or overcast, if you are outside, you really need sunglasses on...   Make sure they are UV protected and start YOUNG. Think about it, if you put sunglasses on a baby, they will grow up not noticing that they have them on...  So it really won't be a big deal!    When you are NOT wearing them, you need to store them in a protective case (so as to not scratch them and in turn mess up the UV protection)  and finally ---  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE --- Marathon runners... WEAR SUNGLASSES!  Even while training!  

Thanks to The Vision Council for our great gifts!  I will for sure be using them!!!!  I do have to ask... Do you make sure your kids (and yourself) are always protected with proper sunglasses?  I am IN LOVE with the Jack Purcell sunglasses that were included in there for me... and they also threw in Babiators for Broxton!  
Post a #SunglassSelfie!!!   Can't wait to see them!!!!


  1. I'm terrible about the kids wearing them...and I shouldn't be because I wear mine all the time!

  2. My little guy wears them, and my older boys do too. My daughter and I are the ones who are terrible about wearing them!


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