In the Forbidden City

The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Can you believe it is almost December?  I know that the months are always the same, but good grief, it is like time is flying by!  I can not believe it was just a few months ago when we were doing a countdown to when my little one was going to be starting Kindergarten... and here we are, planning the book countdown to Christmas!  I almost have all the ones wrapped that I am going to use, but I have a few more to share with you.  
Remember, books make great gifts all the time, not just for a countdown, but they would be great under the tree from a loved one or even from Santa.
Today, I want to share a book with you that is perfect for the older kids in your life..

In The Forbidden City is for kids ages 9+.

 Similar to David Macaulay’s Castle, highly detailed line drawings convey the grandeur of Beijing’s Forbidden City buildings, gardens, and courtyards. This large format impressive book is part of We All Live in the Forbidden City, a dynamic educational program by China Institute about the history, culture, architecture, and life of imperial China as seen through the lens of the Forbidden City. 

To be honest, when I first saw the book, I thought it was a beautiful book to have as a coffee table book.  Then, I saw that it was for ages 9+.  I still think it would be a great book to have laying around.  I love it.  The drawings are beautiful (just look at the cover!)   I went to flip through it the other day, but there is so much information that I decided to put it up for now.  I will read it though, as Marc already checked it out and thought it was a great read.  Filled with plenty of information to introduce kids to a beautiful place!!! I know for sure we will be looking through this so much more when Broxton is a bit older and can appreciate it!

Have you ever been to The Forbidden City? 


  1. I love books that have a visual appeal along with a ton of great information. This is right up my alley (and I'm 9+). ;) :)

  2. Books do make great gifts and I Have 5 kids that need to read daily so a good book is important to hold their interest


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