Just How Much Heat is IN that kitchen?

The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

I have never said that I was a chef.  Far from it, if you want to know the truth. That being said, living in Atlanta and having my own family, we normally host Christmas at our house.  It just makes it easier (we did try rotating each year, but that wasn't working out) and in doing so, I am the one that cooks all the food.   Well, I cook the side dishes, the desserts are normally store bought... but Marc is always in charge of the meat.  That became his thing a couple years ago and he has enjoyed doing it... until it is time to check the meat.  The first time, we could not find our meat thermometer, so my brother brought his... but it did not work.  We made do, but then last year rolled around and we had the same issue...  I think we had one, but it didn't work and we could not find the other (something like that.)  So, when I was given the opportunity to review a Taylor Instant Read Thermometer, you know I was going to say yes!  

We received the green one for review and I have already used it half a dozen times.
I have used it to check my chicken, my porkchops and so much more.  The fact that it comes with a protective sleeve to put the metal part in just makes it better.  I love that there is a clip,if you want to store it that way.  

Taylor also offers a Candy / Deep Fryer Thermometer.  I didn't think we would need it, but now Marc want's to deep fry a turkey this year, so we might need it.  I knew I wasn't going to need it for the candy part.  HA ha ha!!!!  

If you have someone on your list who enjoys cooking, this would make a great gift idea.  Maybe you could gift one to the person that hosts Thanksgiving or Christmas as a host gift?  Either way, they are very affordable and would be a great addition to any kitchen!  


  1. My husband enjoys cooking and has one of these. I used to think they were useless until he showed me how meats should be cooked.

  2. You're lucky your husband likes to do the meat! I think it's fun to host, but I'm a vegetarian (just never liked meat, not even as a kid) and cooking the bird isn't my favorite thing to do. ;) I like the colors on this thermometer!

  3. I could really use one of these myself. This would also be good to give to my son, now that he is on his own he is always trying to cook something new.

  4. I am in process of learning to cook more daily for my kids. I think I need something like this for sure

  5. I was just thinking that I need to put a thermometer on my Christmas list.


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