Math, Memorization and MONKEYS UP!!! #GiftGuide

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As I mentioned before how Broxton is into board games right now, I found another game that I hope Santa brings him!!!  The game is Monkeys Up and it is a fun game that can be played in a group, or individually.    The great thing about this game is that it uses numbers and luckily he is all about math these days!!!
Please note that it says " FLIP'EM, SWITCH'EM and STEAL'EM"  What gamer doesn't like "stealing them" to be part of the way to play and win in a fun fast paced game?  
This game consists of red plastic monkeys.  They have either a number (up to 15) or an X on the bottom.  You also have 1 die that has words like steal, flip or switch on it. 
This game can be played in a group, or individually.  It says it is for ages 6 and older.  Basically, you get to grab 3 monkeys, then follow the instructions on the die to determine what has to happen next. It is fun because you can flip your opponents monkey, or one in the middle of the table.  You can steal from wherever you want as well.  The game lasts around 15 minutes, so its not one that will go on way past the time when you are ready to call it quits. The fact that it allows you to use your math skills (and memorization) is great and I know we will have a blast playing it, if Santa happens to see this and brings it to us!  Watch the video below to see how to play!   


  1. Looks like a fun game and educational too! My kids would love this.

  2. I like the games that come and go fast too. I think this one sounds fun. :)

  3. Isaak likes games a lot to! He asks to play one at least every other night. Mica on the other hand is a movie buff.


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