Always fun at @LDCAtlanta

Do you ever really outgrow playing with LEGO bricks?  I am thinking no, as they really are fun for all ages.  The older you get, the difficulty level increases, so the finished project is a great accomplishment.  A bit ago, I told you about LEGOLAND DISCOVERY CENTER having redesigned their Atlanta location. We were able to go and check it out, but it wasn't long enough for Broxton.  (Is it ever?!)  Luckily, we were able to go back recently and again, good times were had! 
FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

I love that when we go to Legoland Discovery Center (for the rest of this post, it will be called LDC to make it easier!)  in Atlanta, Broxton has a great time. For the longest time, it was a struggle with him being an only child when it came time to go to the park or places like this. Now, we have Savannah, but she isn't at the age to get out and play yet, so it still is not as "fun" as it could be with a closer in age sibling.  LDC makes it a good time and for that I am thankful.
When you go to LDC, sure it is fun with friends... but it is just as fun solo. 

You can ride the rides -they have 2 of them, you can check out mini-land- I still love looking at the creativity of making a mini-Atlanta, you can build - race cars, towers to see if you can best the shaking earthquake type thing and you can even try and catch a lesson from one of the staff on building certain things.  
At the race station making a car to race against others.  

Another cool section?  The newly revamped KIDS PLAY AREA.  It is with a Pirate theme.  You can make and race boats - yes, they have a water play area... you can play in the jungle gym type area and you can even build with life sized lego.  Last time we were there, I had the kids make a large tower... then we changed it up and made a hiding "wall" while they played hide and seek.  Notice I said "KidS" and "They"... Broxton made a couple buddies while there, adding to the reasons I love going.  We all know there is a love of LEGO if you are paying to go there, so there is a common theme to talk and discuss.

The lifesize LEGO. 
 I have large hands, these jokers are bigger than my hands, so that should tell you something!  

I can not wait for Savannah to get a little older.  They even have a toddler section with Duplo Blocks for little kids!  I would love to put her in there now, but she is still at the stage where EVERY - SINGLE- THING goes in the mouth and while I am not as bad of a germaphobe as I was with Broxton (maybe its the second child thing) I am not ready to let her bring home the germs that come with a group of toddlers all exploring the blocks!  

I know I posted this on Instagram already, but I just love this photo of him.  He is totally in his element, playing with LEGO, making friends and having fun.  Isn't that what childhood is about????

Have you been to Legoland Discovery Center in Atlanta?  Do you have Lego fans at your house?  Make sure to check it out, they always have fun events going on... even adult nights from time to time!  


  1. I bet he loved this place! Mica and Isaak love Legos too!

  2. He looks like he is having fun!
    My kids would love it there!

  3. We went to one just outside of Chicago and it was a blast. Have you seen the Disney Castle LEGO set? I want it!! :)


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