The EO Story - Review

With the holidays getting closer and closer...
You may be finished with all of your shopping and just need to relax...
Or... You may need to start your shopping and want to get the right gift for everyone!!!

EO Products has THE SOLUTION.
EO= Essential Oils!
That is why your skin LOVES this product line...
Well, mine anyways!

Everyone deserves time to escape and relax.
No matter the season, relaxation is much appreciated by everyone!
If you are looking, to give or receive...
This beautifully packaged gift set includes a nice sized bottle of both bubble bath as well as their bath salts! As we know, I love the lavender scent, so this is wonderful in my opinion.
Also, did you know that their bubble baths allow for plenty of bubbles? Yes! Not just a couple bubbles and then nothing, this bubble bath creates bubbles that stay around! :)
Major plus in my opinion!!!

Also, for a limited time...
EO has released two limited edition hand soaps.
The first is Meyer Lemon and Sage.
Of course, I love this... The lemon scent is not over powering at all.
The second is the Mandarin Spice.
To be honest, I was a bit unsure about this one...
I am not a big fan of "spice."
But, I wanted to try it..
The smell has a hint of clove (not a favorite of mine, but it works!)
Needless to say, this is now in our kitchen!

The thing I like about the hand soaps is that it does more than just wash my hands.
The smell stays on your skin like a soft lotion.
Also, the soap is not one that dries your skin out.
It leaves my hands feeling clean and moisturized...

If you are looking for something that is sure to put a smile on the recipients face...
I recommend you stop on over at EO to see what all they offer.
Also, if you are one that wants to smell before you purchase..
Head on over to Whole Foods or other Natural Food Stores and see for yourself!!!

Wouldn't It Be Nice.. Under The Tree... for someone you love?

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. Now I actually do love the smell of clove so that spice soap sounds terrific!

  2. I love lavendar essential oil, I use it as a room deoderizer and with olive oil for my hair in the winter.
    I think that the lemon & sage sounds wonderful.
    Thanks for the information.


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