Time to Clean the Aftermath! - Invisible Glass Review

How often do you clean your windows?
I do not know a specific number...
But I know I clean them so much more now...
Broxton loves to look out the window and although his hand-prints are cute...
Not so much on the glass.

Okay, I admit...
I do NOT clean the outside of the glass.
I should, I know...
But still.

Moving along...........
Let me tell you about Invisible Glass.
In the Invisible Glass Line, they carry an aerosol spray can and the trigger bottle.
I used both initially... One for each window to see.
I could not see a difference between the two bottles, but I could see that the window was super clean.
The cleaning cloth they include works wonderfully to keep the windows streak free!

Invisible Glass also carries a headlight restoration product!
(We will be using this soon!)

Also, they have another product that I like.
It is the Glass cleaner with Rain Repellent!
Now, I never thought about this when cleaning a car...
but on their site, it tells you..
Wash the windows, inside and out..
(got that part)
Then, after you wash the windows...
Wipe down the windshield wipers!
Yep, totally never thought about that!
Ok, before someone tries to call me out...
No, I do not wash my own car... but still, I think about it! :)

One thing that will be in my purse from now on is the Lens Wipe.
It comes in a small little package and it packs a powerful punch in the cleaning it does.
The smell is kinda strong, if you stick your nose in the package :)
But I used them to clean my glasses and the smell does not stick around.
All that does is clean glass!
This is great for those who wear glasses...
as well as using to clean your lens to your camera!

Now, I do now know about you..
But even though I am tall...
I can not always reach the tops on things...
(and I am not one to climb!)
Now, I can just use their Reach and Clean Tool Kit.
This has a handle to help you reach those hard to get to areas!
Also, it comes with THREE different cleaning cloths!
Yes, a microfiber one, a terry one and a mesh one!
Talk about covering all your bases!
The great thing about this is its shape, it can even get into corners!!!!

So, if its time for a good cleaning, Invisible Glass carries everything you need!!!
(Just remember, you might be having guests for the holidays!)
Don't think this is for online shoppers only...
You can get this at several local stores, such as Wal-Mart and Target!

And for the car enthusiast in your life...
Why not pick up the Complete Vehicle Care Kit.
(only $49.99)

Check out all they carry!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


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