Great Stocking Stuffer Idea? Action Hero!!!

Most kids love Action Heroes...
I grew up with a couple favorites and I know Broxton will pick up a couple along the way...
Having older brothers might make that happen sooner rather than later!

If you are looking for a great gift or two...
Stocking Stuffer Idea?
Secret Santa Kid Exchange?

The options are endless...

Marc is a fan of Star Wars (me, not so much... at all)
So, we will see if Broxton gets that from his daddy.
Star Wars The Clone Wars has a new line out...

The character now comes with a Galactic Battle Game.
Whatever that means! :) The boys can figure this out!!!
No, really...
This little guy comes with a FIRING BLASTER RIFLE...
and then they also have a gaming base and die for more than just your average "playing."
Now, they come with a game of their own!

The Spider Man series also has added to the basics!
Venom LAUNCHES a web missile!
With the Spider Man series, you have 12 collectible cards to help battle the fierce foes!

The detail on these are so much better than I remember the ones from my day...
Reasonably priced between 6.99 and 9.99 these are sure to be a hit this holiday season!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. When my son was little around 7-10 yrs old he loved these little plastic action figures. When he outgrew them I passed them on to my nephew. A bag full of plastic men made his day.
    arobimom at gmail dot com

  2. My son isn't into them as yet. He loves his noisy firetrucks and police cars still, but I know soon he'll want these :)


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