Go to your Zen Place - Zen Baby DVD

If your house is anything at all like ours, there really is not much peace and quiet...
Unless EVERYONE is sleeping.
That does not happen for long times, so it is rare.

I was sent the Zen Baby DVD for review and I really like how it makes us relax.
Granted, Broxton gets excited seeing the flowers and the dogs and the babies... but it is slowly becoming more peaceful and less excitement!
I am telling you, this boy is FULL of energy 24/7!

The music is so very beautiful.
I am not one that normally enjoys "music without words" but this is so sweet and innocent that you can not help to relax!
Another thing I like about this?
It comes with a CD as well!
That way, if I ever get time for a relaxing bath...
I can play this to totally pull me into a state of Zen.

Is that even how you word it?
I mean, I like the whole peace and quiet and all that good stuff...
But my mind is always going and going (as is everyone else in the house.)
I am not one for a "Zen place" or anything like that...
Not that I do not wish I has a Zen Room, but I mean, come on...
This little apartment just doesn't have room!
Maybe that can be added to our house! :)

Back to the Zen Baby DVD.

There were a couple times where Broxton was relaxing and then the change of the music made him have to get up and dance! :) Not sure where he gets his moves, but he LOVES to dance!
The softness of the "narrators" voice helps to relax you as well as the beautiful pictures/music that goes along as you watch the DVD.
I wish we would have had this earlier to try and incorporate this into the bedtime routine...
But, we will be using it now!!!!

You can keep up with Zen Baby on TWITTER or FACEBOOK

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. Oh oh oh I want Zen. Really I do. I figured it was just a place of make believe, you know like on Mister Rogers.

    This sounds really interesting! I love your bedtime idea. I would never have thought of that since my kids and the baby are active and rushing at all hours of the day.

    I like that they have a CD available with the DVD-I would think that would be great for car trips


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