Ahoy! Jake and the Never Land Pirates

It wasn't too long ago when Broxton heard the theme song to Jake and the Never Land Pirates Television show on Disney Junior...
At that point, it was over...
He wanted to see what those kids were doing...
He wanted to see the Pirates!!!!

Of course, we sat and watched it, it was on Disney, so it must be good!
I loved how the kids played together...
Thought things through and solved the problems themselves.

Just this week, Broxton was watching and they asked where the letter t was... I heard him yell "On the Treasure Box!"
It made a mama proud!!!

I was happy to be contacted about Jake and the Never Land Pirates!
Broxton received a box with a couple items in there!
In side:
Mickey Ears with the Disney Junior Logo on it, A Jake and the Never Land Pirates t-shirt and an advanced screener of the holiday episode!
He absolutely LOVES that shirt, he had to wear his "pirate shirt" and show it off to everyone he saw, that included the table behind us at dinner! The kids were quick to pipe in and let us know that it came on every morning at 8 am! Seems as though Jake is a hit with all ages! (It is geared for 2-7 year olds, but I enjoy it too!) We haven't watched the episode yet... Broxton was so excited to take it on the trip to my parents that he "packed" it somewhere and we just found it...
It will be watched soon, as he is already requesting his "pirate movie!"
Just keep the Disney Store in mind for your young ones this holiday season, as they have more than just toys... They also carry cute shirts like Broxton's "Pirate Shirt!"

The advanced screener is their Holiday Episode, "It's a Winter Never Land!/ Hook on Ice" that will be aired December 2nd at 8:30 a.m.
Don't forget that 2012 brings season 2 of Jake and the Never Land Pirates, sure to bring more fun, education and adventure!!!!
From their website:
Like all Disney Junior programming, "Jake and the Never Land Pirates" is guided by an established curriculum that nurtures multiple areas of child development: physical, emotional, social and cognitive; thinking and creative skills as well as moral and ethical development. Teamwork is central to the show's curriculum, and throughout the series, Jake and his team model friendship and collaborative behavior. Each friend brings unique and valuable attributes that combine to create a smart, strong, resourceful and fun team. For example, Jake is the confident leader who knows how best to use the strengths of his crew, Cubby's use of maps point the team in the right direction, and Izzy is always full of ideas and finds creative ways to solve problems such as transforming found items into useful tools. Plus, Izzy has pixie dust, a magic powder that allows Jake and his crew to fly. Skully is the best lookout a pirate ever had and their trusty ship Bucky helps by taking the crew where they need to go.

"Jake and the Never Land Pirates" encourages kids to be active learners and much of the curriculum focuses on modeling physical activity for young viewers. When the team needs to get ahead of Hook and his men on a treasure quest, Jake will ask the kids at home to "Slide-slide-slide!" along with his crew or help Bucky steer by moving "To the left!" When the heroes are sprinkled with pixie dust, Jake asks the viewer to lift their arms and fly along with them.

Do you watch Jake and the Never Land Pirates at your house?

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