#HolidayGiftGuide - English Idioms and Expressions For Everyone

I was thinking about how hard it must be to be a foreign exchange student here...
The language can be a bit difficult.
Think about how many words have different meanings/spellings...
Not to mention how things are interpreted.

With the book "English Idioms and Expressions For Everyone, Yes, Even You!" you can read and see just how difficult it might be.
Besides seeing how difficult it is to learn English, you can also learn a bit as well!

Take for example:
"Butterflies in stomach" - We all know that it doesn't literally mean "butterflies IN stomach" but to someone learning, they might be confused... This book explains: A sign of being nervous.

Why I like this book:
It gives you the saying on the left....
Then, on the right, it gives you the "definition" of it.
They also use it in a sentence for you.
Sometimes, they include "also" or "compare" for better explanation.

They even try to keep it clean. If the need for a profane word is there, it is only partially spelled, with dashes for the remaining letters.

Finally, they have also included a few funny cartoons to get you laughing.
They have a cartoon of the literal interpretation and then the saying on the bottom..
Like "stick a fork in me" with a drawing of someone putting a fork in another one's shoulder...

I think that this would be great to give someone that is hosting a foreign exchange student.
Or to donate to a library with foreign exchange students.
If you or a loved one are travelling abroad, this would make a nice gift of thanks...
Also, if you just want a good laugh and to maybe learn a thing or two, it would be great!!!
Head over to their site to check out more!!!!
Please be sure to follow on Facebook and Twitter.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. This sounds like a tool I could use for making an art assignment. I could assign the students to create an art piece on each expression. They then could look it up to see what it means. It would be fun!

  2. What a cool sounding book... I bet I would love it just to learn something or for a laugh.



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