Need a Quick Breakfast Idea? Tyson Chicken Minis #TysonGoodness #CBias

Please note the "well rounded breakfast" for Marc...
Tyson Chicken Mini's... Hashbrown, Yogurt and Coke!
With school getting out for Christmas break soon, I need to start planning my meals now...
We get the boys for their break and they like to eat.
Just like their daddy, they want meat with every meal.
Just like their daddy, they want meat with every meal.
If they make it up in time for breakfast, I have a hard time trying to figure out what to feed them... Not anymore!!! We reviewed the Tyson Chicken Mini Sandwiches in the past thinking of Marc.... Then, it hit me... This would be great for the boys!!!
I did a Google + about my shopping trip to Wal-Mart... Head over and read about it...
Also, remember that while supplies last, when you buy two boxes of Tyson Mini's , you can mail in your receipt and they will mail you a $5 Wal-Mart giftcard... You can not beat that!!!
It's pretty much a buy one get one free deal!!!!
Anyways... I wanted to try these quick breakfast idea's with Marc to make sure it would work before planning it with the boys... Truth be told, I try to plan out at least one week of food idea's before they get here... It can be difficult to go from preparing for the 3 of us to now planning for 6... and the additional being 3 growing boys!!!!
Anyways... I wanted to try these quick breakfast idea's with Marc to make sure it would work before planning it with the boys... Truth be told, I try to plan out at least one week of food idea's before they get here... It can be difficult to go from preparing for the 3 of us to now planning for 6... and the additional being 3 growing boys!!!!
First up, I tried my versions of the fast food ideas...
I added syrup to it to make it like a syrup topped pancake with chicken in the middle..
I added syrup to it to make it like a syrup topped pancake with chicken in the middle..
Next up, I added honey on the other one. I really enjoy chicken biscuits with honey, so I knew this would be great...
I prepared hash browns to go with it...
You can buy this box of hashbrowns from Wal-Mart for next to nothing and it takes a minute and a half to prepare!
Marc says both the sandwich with the syrup and the honey were great... he could not tell me which he liked more...
I added yogurt as a side item. Broxton and I love it, but not so sure about the boys...
I guess we will find out when they are here!!!!
I guess we will find out when they are here!!!!
Marc liked that there was such a variety... and Broxton helped with the yogurt!!!
I am telling you, Broxton could eat yogurt ALL THE TIME!!!!
I am telling you, Broxton could eat yogurt ALL THE TIME!!!!
After the original 2 mini sandwiches, Marc wanted more...
So, we tried adding it with sausage. This time, it was the Tyson Chicken Mini, plus syrup, plus sausage... Of course, as soon as Marc tried it.. "Oh, this is good!" Score!!!
I guess this might work to fill the boys up...
I like it because it is quick and easy..
I like it because it is quick and easy..
Not to mention little clean up!!!
Great for the holidays, as well as busy times during the school year!!!!
Great for the holidays, as well as busy times during the school year!!!!
Bottom line? If you are looking for a quick breakfast meal...
Think of Tyson. Not only are they great for dinner or snacks, they proved to be great for breakfast too!!!
Before you head out to Wal-Mart, make sure you check to see which one near you carries these sandwiches as they are not available everywhere yet... Just visit
This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias
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