Maty's All Natural Products Are Here to Help You Feel Better

I do not know about your house, but around here, when the weather starts changing, we start dealing with colds.  You know, it goes from cold to hot, then back to cold... oh, here we go, its hot again...

With all the changing of temperatures, we try to keep medicines on hand to beat the blues before they beat us.  

Marc is not a fan of any medicine and would rather ride it out versus get relief.  He hates medicines so much that it was nice to find Natural Medicines for Broxton.  That way, it isn't all the chemicals and what not, but a more holistic approach.  

I know for me, growing up, we always had the old traditional ways of healing, you know.. the ones that were passed down from generation to generation... The old wives tales, if you know what I mean...
So, when I read that Maty's was along the same lines, I knew that was what I wanted in our cabinets!

First Up: Maty's All Natural Kids Cough Syrup:
Our safe, all natural cough remedy is drug free and made with antioxidant-rich buckwheat honey.  It also delivers 9 valuable immune system boosters and improves your little one’s quality of sleep
just when they need it most.  Pediatrician recommended.

  • Drug Free
  • Antioxidant Rich
  • With 9 Immune System Boosters
  • Improves Sleep Quality

Our baby rub provides safe, effective relief while strengthening little immune systems. We’ve also added soothing notes of lavender and chamomile to calm them to sleep. Since we’re all natural, you’ll recognize all our Ingredients. The perfect safe vapor rub for your baby.
  • Menthol Free
  • Drug Free
  • Petroleum Free
   So safe, pediatrician recommended
          for infants 3 months +
  Made with Pride in the USA

We have luckily not needed to use anything yet... but that doesn't mean that we will not need them soon.  I do take comfort in knowing that they are here and ready if we do need them!   

Don't forget to follow Maty's on Facebook.  

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. I'm like Marc. I don't like meds and always ride out my colds.
    It was after talking with other moms I saw how just a little sniffle and they went to get doped up. I thought it odd.
    Then I asked, they said it's wonderful relief,esp as a mother, so I got some theraflu once and it helped but I just can't stand it and so I try to ride it out unless it's really really bad.

    Love products like these that keeps close to natural as possible.


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