Stop The Blood, Use BloodSTOP

Having ALL boys in this house, you can imagine the worry I deal with from time to time..
They don't sit and play... they go go go... ALL the time.
You know, Broxton is a handful all on his own... but then you add in when his brothers come and there is bound to be a bit of bloodshed at some point or another...  That being said, imagine the surprise in my eyes when I got an email telling me of a new product called BLOOD STOP.

Just some of the lines in the email that caught my attention:

Once this 100 percent natural hemostatic agent is placed on a wound, it reacts with blood and other body fluids to form a gel that seals the wound and remains until it heals.  
BloodSTOP works to control blood loss much faster than traditional methods and is easily washed off with water as the wound begins to heal.
You simply cut a piece of BloodSTOP to the size of the wound you are treating and put it in place. 
When it comes in contact with blood it forms a gel that promotes clotting and quickly controls bleeding. 
It forms a protective barrier and is water soluble meaning you can simply wash it away without disturbing the wound as you might when removing a bandage.
BloodSTOP is the type of product that consumers should always have in their first aid kit or car for home or travel emergencies. 
Whether used for a child’s nosebleed, a shaving cut or sports injury, it will safely and quickly stop bleeding.

Now, we have not had to use it... yet...
I love y'all, but not at the expense of making myself bleed for you... 
I think that this is a great idea, and I love that you just cut it to fit the size you need.  
No more wasted materials...
I mean, if you had a little nick you wanted to take care of, would you really need a huge piece?

The best thing is that it can be purchased at your local drug store!!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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