Who Needs Beer When You Have @ecostoreusa ?

I used to keep beer around to wash my hair. 
Yes, I am telling the truth!  My Nana said she would use it to rinse the buildup and to give her hair a nice shine... So, I started doing that myself.  It works, but I tell you this... I am not a fan of the smell of beer.  
I also rotate the brand of shampoo and conditioner I use each time I buy a new bottle.  I was told that would keep buildup from happening, I really do not know, but I do it anyways... 

I was on the site for EcoStore USA and I decided to head over to their hair care section...
I saw that they had shampoo and conditioner in Pear, Honey & Almond and Cucumber. 
I was eager to try them all, so I was excited to when I had the chance to review the Honey & Almond. 
I was immediately WOWED by it all.
First of all, I love the bottles.  They are just tall rectangles.  
It works well with my little hanging system I have in the shower.  (Not to mention it says SHAMPOO or CONDITIONER REALLY BIG going down the side of the bottle.)

Next up, I no longer feel that I need to use (or waste to some people) beer to clean my hair.  I feel as though it takes all the buildup that is on my hair... Be it the products or the elements in the air... but it literally grabs them and yanks them off my hair... running to hide down the drain!  I love how my hair felt so super clean once using this!!!!

Finally, it says 3:1 - Moisturizing, Volumizing and Color Safe.  
They were NOT joking about the Moisturizing.  I was in love with how soft my hair felt.  No lie, as soon as I got out of the shower, I was immediately all in Marc's face telling him to smell how wonderful my hair smelled... As soon as it was dry, I was back over there again telling him to run his fingers in my hair to feel just how soft it felt.  
I was really impressed and to tell the truth, each time I wash my hair, I am in awe again!  

If you are looking for a new shampoo/conditioner combo, or just think you might want to try this out.. 
Head on over to Eco Store USA and order a bottle or two!  
Also, don't think that Eco Store USA is just for hair care... they are a company that prides themselves in "NO NASTY CHEMICALS."  They have products for baby, pets and even household items!!!!

Stay in the loop and follow Eco Store on Facebook and Twitter.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  


  1. This sounds like a great place to shop! I love square containers!


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