When Things Get Hot, Cool Your Little One Down With Meeno Babies Cool Mee Seat Liners

If you live anywhere that it gets hot and you have a little one, listen up.. I have news for you!!!!
In Georgia, it gets pretty stinkin' hot... no... let me change that...
It gets H.O.T. as anything down here...   
So, when I saw that Meeno Babies had a cure for putting your little one into a hot car seat, I was all about it.  

Truth be told, we received it and it wasn't that hot, so Broxton started playing with it in the house... and then before we could move it to a car seat, Marc took it over and decided to try and use it for his motorcycle.

Yes, you read that right... Marc went and strapped it down to test on his motorcycle seat!  
Honestly, I liked that he tried it out, since he would be more verbal about it than Broxton...
So, I know you are dying to know Marcs thoughts...

We had the Car Seat Cooler and he found a way to strap it down so that he could use it, but so that it would still be great for Broxton's car seat.  He was immediately impressed with this.. To the point that I think Meeno Babies needs to figure out a way to market this to bikers!!!

I do not ride, so I had to take Marc's word on it all...

He said that when riding, the seat gets to not be that comfortable (distances, hey... all seats get uncomfortable over time)  and that it being black, it obviously attracts heat, so this was the real deal....
He said that not only did Meeno Babies Car Seat Cooler not only make the seat not hot... it was also a nice cushion for his bottom!

Now that it is warming up here in Georgia, the seat cushion is no longer going to be Marc's but is now going to be Broxton's like it was meant to be!
I know that when it was hot in the past, Broxton would fuss to have to go and get in a hot car seat... 
This will be comforting for both Broxton and the ride as well as me as the mom knowing that I can place him in his seat and he can ride in comfort and not misery! 

So... As I said, this is a great product to look into getting if you live where it is hot.  I like that you can purchase the Bucket Seat (0-12 months) for $29.99 and then you can move up to the Car Seat (1-4 years) for only $39.99.  They also have a Stroller Seat (1-4 years) for $34.99.  Seriously, less than $50 for something that will not only last for years, but will also make car trips more enjoyable!!!!

*** Great gift idea for a baby shower gift for someone that lives where it gets HOT! 
The awesome part is that they can just be thrown into the wash (don't tumble dry though... line dry only)  and it can last for years and years!!!

You can order online, or you can look for a retailer near you.  

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  


  1. I'll bet they never had anyone test it THAT way before. LOL

  2. This sounds like the perfect gift for a new mom.


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