Sounds Crazy, but Try @toejuice For Eczema Issues

We all know how kids can be... and some things just can not be helped.
I remember when I first noticed Broxton's eczema.  We had been in Atlanta and were heading to Albany... I noticed he had this nasty rash looking stuff all over him.  Of course, as a first time mom with a husband out serving our country in Afghanistan, I was FREAKING out as to what it was and what I needed to do.  Yes, I scheduled a pediatrician appointment for the following day and we went to figure it out...
Seems that he has eczema.  To be honest, before then, I really did not know what it was... but I learned and we started watching his lotions, bath products, detergents and everything else...
Now, his eczema isn't that bad.. but it does get bad from time to time..
He is one for flare ups and I hate it, as I don't know what it feels like.  

We had the chance to review TOE JUICE and I was excited... 
Well, once it got here, I was a bit nervous... You see, a couple weeks after the Toe Juice arrived, so did the eczema!  

Not a great picture, but his legs had it all over them...
Also had it on his arms...
I tried to get after pictures, but it was not working... Broxton would not stay still, or if I was able to make him still, his skin looked all weird and funky in the pictures...
This is what is skin "looks" like now... This isn't a good picture, but I did want to show a before/after for you.

YES, I will be getting a new camera soon!  
But, let me tell you ... after a couple days, the flare up was gone.  Now, I do believe that it would have gone away faster, but Broxton would not let me put it on him.  He kept saying that it burned him and he would scream and cry bloody murder.  (I did read that I should not worry about the burning as that meant it was working, but come on.... who wants to hear their little one crying like that... and since I do not know what it felt like, I felt as though I was torturing him... )  
But, he eventually did let me put it on him... and then it was gone.  
I will say that I wish the bottle was easier to squeeze.  The top has a little hole for you to squirt it out, but I found it difficult to squeeze while wrestling with a toddler.  I eventually just unscrewed the top and used it with the whole opening available. 
So, if you know someone that is dealing with eczema, you might want to look into Toe Juice.  
From acne to warts, Toe Juice seems to be working to heal all sorts of issues (and it is available online as well as in select stores near you... )  Visit the Toe Juice Site to see if you might be able to be helped as well.

You can follow them on FACEBOOK and TWITTER.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation. 


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