Daddy and Me Fun Facts from Ice Age

Ice Age: Continental Drift is such a great movie...  
We have really enjoyed it and we can even talk daddy into watching it with us!
With that being said, I wanted to share with you a post about "daddy and me" time events!
Go to the Movies
 The movies are a fun outing for any day of the week. Choose a new movie that interests you both, or check out a theater that plays classic family favorites. Depending on the time of the movie, you can go to lunch, dinner, or dessert afterwards to talk about your favorite characters.

Camping is a great way to take a break from everyday distractions like texting and Facebook and enjoy the great outdoors instead.  It provides the perfect opportunity to teach your daughter how to pitch a tent and start a fire. Many campgrounds also offer great hiking trails and rentals of canoes and paddleboats if near a lake.

DIY Project
Everyone has a creative side and a DIY project is perfect for showing it off. You can try a large project such as sprucing up an older piece of furniture. Or maybe try a smaller project such as a plant holder for the back patio. Whatever you choose, make sure mom approves and consider all safety precautions. 

Day Trip to the Zoo
Even though the chances of seeing a wooly mammoth are slim, the zoo is a perfect place to take your daughter for quality bonding time. You can walk around in search of your favorite animals or take a guided tour to learn new and interesting facts. Make sure you bring a camera along so you and your daughter can take plenty of photos with the monkeys! 

Shopping… Dad’s Don’t Be Scared
A great way to bond with your daughter is to let her roam in her natural habitat… the mall of course! In order to keep things from getting out of hand, make the time about picking out the perfect gift for mom or another relative. And to balance it out, you can bring your daughter along the next time you are shopping for the latest gadget or sporting equipment.
What does your family do for "daddy and me" time?

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