Explore and Wonder with Time: Zoo 3D

We had the opportunity to review a pretty neat book and now I get to tell you about it.
Time Books (which I love, as we have several of them already) has released the coolest 3D book!
We recently had the chance to review, Zoo 3D and we loved it!
The images are outstanding and you really get the feeling that the animals are right there in front of you.  I was very surprised with the quality and was telling Marc about how impressed I was when we looked over at Broxton.  He was reaching out trying to grab the animals!  At that point, I stopped looking at the book and enjoyed the time watching Broxton as we flipped the pages!

You will be impressed with the images, but that is not all...
Time truly grabs you, as there is so much to learn as well!
Kids will love the pictures and the adults will love the time bonding and reading all the text on the pages! 

Here is a sample of knowledge from the book:
Know why a gorilla yawns?
Nope... not tired!
Little "did you know" blocks are throughout the book,  but you also get to learn more about each animal featured!!!
Grab a copy today!!!
FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation. 


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