Sports Illustrated Kids: Full Count #holidaygiftguide

Do you love baseball?  We love all sports here,  but Marc is a huge fan!
When I opened up our package and saw that we had just received Sports Illustrated Kids: Full Count, I knew that he would be eager to read it...  Little did I know that I would too!

This is a great book that is full of Top 10's of baseball...
From Mascots to Rivals...  to Ugliest Uniforms and most unusual windups! 
This is a book for those that love baseball and for those that love baseball to share with those that might still be on the fence as to if they are fans or not! 

I actually took this with me to read while I waited for Broxton in carpool. 
I learned so much and really enjoyed not only looking at the pictures, but about the sport of "America's Pastime!"

I really think that boys and girls, men and women...
All ages would really enjoy reading this!!!!
FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. This looks like a wonderful stocking stuffer for a baseball fan.

  2. My brothers used to be obsessed with stats. They would have loved something like this!

  3. What a cool book. My dad would love this since he's a big baseball fan.


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