Family Movie Alert! #EarthtoEcho - Out July 2nd

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The other night, we were invited to an advance movie screening of the movie, Earth to Echo.  I was not really sure about the movie, all I knew was it involved kids... and an alien.  Of course, I immediately thought of E.T. from when I was a kid and I thought it would be great to take Broxton.  We got there and settled in to see it.  

Friendship is the greatest adventure of all. In theaters July 2, 2014.
Rating: PG
Cast: Teo Halm, Brian "Astro" Bradley, Reese Hartwig and Ella Linnea Wahlestedt

In Earth to Echo, three best friends are ready for their last night together...  A construction company has forced whole neighborhoods to sell their homes so that they can develop a new highway.  Before they are set to move, the cell phones of the neighborhoods start going crazy and these kids decide it is up to them to figure out what is really going on.. Is it a coincidence that the phones mess up when the development starts?  

The boys set out for an adventure, heading out on their bikes to have one last epic night together... Although the story has them traveling MILES and MILES on their bikes, with lots of adventure to happen, thanks to it being a movie, it still manages to all happen in one night... so that works out for them!
I will tell you this,if you were not a fan of the filming of "blair witch project" (The shaky camera... )  You will NOT be a fan of this movie at all.  This movie is from the kids perspective, as in they have a camcorder, a go pro and "spy glasses"  to film it all and share with us...   I though the kids acting did a great job -  but the way the movie was shown left me a little queasy at times.   They were on their bikes... in the woods...  imagine the view on that.  
 Broxton really enjoyed "Echo" the little alien in the movie... He laughed at many parts, but I really think that this movie is geared more towards the tween age group.  It wasn't that it was too mature for my 5 year old, it was just that I think a little older group would appreciate it more.   
Have you heard about the Earth to Echo movie?  Are you planning on watching it in the theater or waiting until it is available to watch at home? 


  1. I've seen the previews, and I thought of ET too. ;) I didn't know it was filmed from the kiddo's cameras. I didn't see BWP, but I do know what you're talking about from the previews for it. My little one says he wants to see it when commercials are on.

  2. It definitely looks like a take of E.T. in all aspects to me. I loved that movie, but this one just doesn't look like it would be for me. I am totally with you on the shaky camera thing, just like a merry go round they both make be dizzy. Thank you for your up front, honest review. I found it so refreshing to find someone willing to do so!

    1. It was cute... but the shaky camera -- NO GO :)


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