Having a Bad Day? Not as bad as Alexander, I bet! #Giveaway

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Did you see my post about Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day?
Well - now I get to offer up a few fun activities for you.. and a GIVEAWAY!!!!  This movie looks like it will be absolutely hilarious, so I am so excited to see it!!!!
Until then, click on these images to enlarge and ENJOY!!!!!

Want to win???
Look at what is included in the prize pack!  

The pack includes
- One (1) official ALEXANDER coffee mug- One (1) giant green highlighter- One (1) crocodile stress toy- One (1) official ALEXANDER reusable bag


  1. I love that the prize pack comes with a stress toy!

  2. I am excited to see that Steve Carell is in this movie.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. I am most excited to see Jennifer Garner!

  4. I am most interested in seeing Ed Oxenbould in the film. Cute kid!

  5. We are excited to see Jennifer Garner, she was on television last week discussing this movie!

  6. Jennifer garner, I love her work. My sister met her once at a baby store.

  7. I am excited to see this movie because I am an elementary school teacher,. This is one of the best books and I always look forward to reading ti to my students. Can;t wait to see it on the big screen!

  8. I think that movie looks like it will be fun to watch.

  9. I love watching Jennifer Garner's movies. She's from my state.

  10. I am definitely most looking forward to seeing Steve Carell!

  11. I definitely am excited to see Steve Carell in this movie.

  12. I'm super excited to see Steve Carrell in this movie! We just love him!


  13. I am most excited to see Steve Carell! He is hilarious!!

    allyson tice

  14. I am very excited to see Steve Carell in this role; I'm sure he's going to be fantastic!

  15. I love Jennifer Garner she's been great in all her past movies and I think she will be funny in this one!

  16. I am excited to see Jennifer garner in this movie

  17. Steve Carell is great in everything. (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

  18. I like seeing Jennifer Garner. I am from WV so its always nice to see someone from here make it :)

  19. I would like to see Jennifer Garner in the movie.. Love her!!!

  20. I love both Jennifer Garner and Steve Carell but I have to admit I laugh my hind end off at Steve.

  21. I am most excited to see Steve Carell. I have always enjoyed his movies.

  22. I also would love to see Jennifer Garner :)
    Thank You for the chance

    Fiona N

  23. I'm excited to see the entire movie...no favorite actor but I my "Wreck-It Ralph" is excited to see it to :)

  24. I like both Steve Carell and Jennifer Garner....they're both always good.

  25. I am most excited to see Jennifer Garner.

  26. I enjoy watching both Steve and Jennifer.

  27. The actor that I am most excited to see, in this film, is Jennifer Garner.


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