Help @CMNHospitals and @Walmart - Gift Card #Giveaway - #BringingHomeBaby #BabyEvent

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

*** “The Walmart gift cards and information have been provided by P&G.”   ***


We were very fortunate that Broxton had no medical issues when he was born.  I know other people are not like us, but we can all be thankful for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.  We don't have much money laying around, but you can bet when we are asked for a donation to Children's, we will always donate what we can.  The other day, I was asked to donate and of course I said yes.  Why not?  Who knows when you or a friend might need Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. 

That being said, I was thrilled to know that Walmart and Pampers have teamed up to donate $200,000 in June!!!   Two companies I love to support, helping when they can! 

Want to see how Walmart is helping?  Click on the Walmart link and it will take you to the site showing how they are supporting.  (You can even purchase products online if you don't feel like going into a store.)  Don't you want to help???

Information about Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals:
·         Your support helps provide 32 million patient visits for 10 million kids every year
·         One in 10 kids in North America is treated by Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals each year
·         Every day, member hospitals treat 16,000 children in emergency rooms
·         Every hour, member hospitals provide surgery for 97 children
·         U.S. members hospitals provided $3.4 billion in charity care in 2012


Show-and-tell can reveal a lot about a young boy’s interests and experiences. Trip uses the opportunity to proudly explain that his hand, leg and back scars are the result of a stumble into a campfire at age 4.
Rushed by helicopter to the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, Trip spent two weeks receiving skin grafts and burn treatments. Throughout his stay, Trip didn’t let anyone know he was in pain, including the nurses whose names he still remembers to this day.
Bashful before his accident, Trip’s ordeal has helped him become bold and outspoken. He loves sports, singing and is quite the academic. Those who know him best say he’s a natural teacher and coach, who wants to help and inspire his soccer team and schoolmates to do well. By all accounts, he is succeeding and is a role model to many.
Have you had any experience with Children's Miracle Network Hospitals?
In an effort to get the word out on how awesome Walmart and Pampers are for helping get money to Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, I get to give one winner a $25 Walmart gift card.  (Provided by P&G)  Please enter on the rafflecopter form below. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. When I worked as a credit union marketing manager, I did a lot of promotion for the children's miracle network. We used to collect donations in our credit union branches.

  2. I have not personally but have read so many awesome stories that have happened there

  3. I have not had any personal experience with them but have given as charity to them more than once.

  4. I have had a family member go through this program and I am thankful for programs like this.

  5. I have not had a personal experience, but I have donated to them

  6. My only experience is that I have bought the Children's Miracle Network Baloon an had my name put on it when I donated to this charity. This is such a good charity where they raise money and it stays right in the community it was raised.

  7. I have not had a personal experience i hope i wont

  8. I have not had any experience in the Children's Miracle Network.

  9. I have not! Lately the only time we've had to go in was when Isaak had croup. Then I didn't know if it was croup, or an asthma attack.

  10. I have not had any experiences with Children's Miracle Network. But it seems to be a great charity to donate money or have a fundraiser

  11. I have not had any personal experience with Children's Miracle Network but I think its a wonderful charity.

  12. Years ago, I was a coordinator to help manage and run the various Children's Miracle Network events. I also had them help us find a place to stay when our son was born 6 weeks early. They are a wonderful organization, great relief to know al the things they do :)

  13. I think some restaurants near me collect donations for them, but it sounds like a great Network!

  14. We thankfully have not, but it is so good to know that there is a wonderful place to go for the kids! I hear so many wonderful stories that touch my heart!!!

  15. I have not had any personal experience with them but I love seeing the hot air balloon symbol where they are collecting for them.

  16. I have not had a personal experience with them but I have heard of them

  17. I have not had any personal dealings with them but I am so very thankful for the work they do to help others.

  18. I have not had any experience with Children's Miracle Network, but I have donated to this charity before.

  19. I have not had any experience with the Children's Miracle Network.

  20. I myself have not but they did help my high school boyfriend's little sister who was very sick!

  21. I have not had any experience with the Children's Miracle Network.


  22. I haven't had any experience so far with the Children's Miracle Networ,
    thank you

  23. I have heard of them, but I don't have any experience with them personally.

    Entered the Rafflecopter as “Wild Orchid”

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com

  24. I have never heard or had any experience with them, very interesting though.

  25. My daughter benefits from their donations when she goes to the children's hospital

  26. I donate to The Children's Miracle Network almost every year. Its such a good cause. These kids deserve everything

  27. No, I haven't had any personal connection with them, but I see their logo at different places to donate to them.

  28. I have donated, but I have not had to use them fortunately.

  29. I have not used them, but I know that they do good work.

  30. I have not had experience with them. I have heard they are wonderful though!

  31. No, I have not had any experience with Children's Miracle Network but have read and heard great things about this program.

  32. I have not had experience with them before, but it was nice to learn about them :)


  33. I have not had any experience with Children's Miracle Network.

  34. I have heard and donated to support Children’s Miracle Network Hosptials many times. I think it’s important to support Children’s Miracle Network Hosptials because it helps to save and give children hope.

  35. No I have not had any experience with Children's Miracle Network, but I have heard about this program.

  36. I have not had any intimidate experience with Children's Miracle Network but I have donated through nursing school.

  37. I have not personally or directly experienced it. However, they treated my nephew for his club foot. Incredible.

  38. No. Ive heard only great things about them.

  39. Not any personal experience but I always donate to them! Trisha Burgess

  40. My coworkers newborn baby is currently being treated for a heart defect at a CMN hospital. Such a blessing for them and I've already made a donation and plan to continue.

  41. No I haven't had any experience with it.

  42. Luckily, I have not had to use Children's Miracle Network, but I am glad they are a resource for families who have!

  43. I have not had any experience with it.

  44. I have not had any experience with the Children's Miracle Network.

  45. I have not had any experience with Children's Miracle Network, but I have seen many stories on the great things they have done.

  46. I have not had any experience with Children's Miracle Network but think it's a wonderful organization. Thanks.

  47. I personally have not had any experience with Children's Miracle Network.

  48. A friends son was treated at a CMNH, they truly do perform miracles. He's now 7 and doing fantastic.

  49. I have never had any experiences with the Children's Miracle Network but I'm glad they're there when children need them!

  50. No personal experience, my father is an air medic and has airlifted children to their hispitals.


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