Make Plans for @BattleFrogUS #FitForTheFuture

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Do you have plans for June 20th?   Do you live near Englishtown, New Jersey? If you are near, you should totally take advantage of a fun day planned if you sign up for Battle Frog US
I was all about going to sign Broxton up for the "Tadpole Run"  until I realized the June 20th date was for New Jersey! 

Check out the details below:
TadPole Dash: The TadPole dash is for 4-8 year olds. The course has 8+ obstacles, through 400 meters, and is guaranteed to deliver a new experience of self-discovery. Children will learn they can take on these new and exciting challenges, while becoming “Fit for the Future”, getting totally muddy and having the time of their lives.
Navy SEALs run the race with the kids, motivating them, entertaining them, and helping them over the tough spots and inspire them with the spirit of never quitting, teamwork and always trying your best. Start a lifetime love of fitness and competition at the Tadpole Dash.
BullFrog Mile: For your slightly older kids there is the BullFrog Mile. Your children can test themselves on at least ten of the full-size obstacles the top competitors tackle, but with a more manageable distance of one mile. Designed for kids ages 8 to 13, your kids can sample the mud crawls, climbing walls, slip and slides and our “boot camp” military fitness exercise. All with Navy SEAL motivation throughout the course as your kids work with other racers as an individual or on a team. The BullFrog Mile combines the right amount of challenge with the right amount of fun.
BattleFrog 8K: The BattleFrog course is a total test for people of all fitness levels from ages 13 and up. Each step is inspired by the training that forges SEAL operators and prepares them to do anything, anytime, anywhere. The approximate 8K course will take you through 22+ SEAL-inspired obstacles that use air, land and water to test your body, mind and spirit.
After run details....
  • Cross the line and receive a banana, water, protein bar and beer (if 21 and older)
  • Full festival after with free wine tasting, beer for purchase, and music.
  • Portrait Station: Take advantage of our professional portrait station and grab a free photo you’ll want to use for your next #ThrowbackThursday photo! These portrait photos will be posted in an album on our Facebook page within a week of your race.
Now tell me, doesn't that sound like a great time????  I am not one to participate in all of these runs and what not (don't lecture me, I know I should...)  But this particular one sounds awesome and like loads of fun! 
Details for the June 20th location:
Old Bridge Township Raceway Park Inc,
230 Pension Rd.
Englishtown, NJ 07726
*But they have races throughout the country at different dates.
Head on over to their site to see if one is headed your way!!!


  1. My older sister is the runner in our family. With my weak ankle I just don't even try.


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