Looking for Childcare? Look at @KinderCare

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

My parents have always had my best interest in mind, from the days as a baby to even now. They care and I am fortunate to have such amazing people to call my mom and dad.  I don't remember the details of it all, but I do remember going to KinderCare as a child.  In my mind it was just a "day care" type place so imagine my surprise when I was invited to come and tour a local KinderCare recently!  Now, we are not looking for childcare at this time, as I am very fortunate to stay home, but I know some of you might be, so I thought it would be nice to share with you what I learned that day.
First of all, KinderCare is so much more than just a "daycare!"  Don't get me wrong, they care for your children and it is during the day... but they are teaching them!  I was pleasantly surprised at the education going on throughout all the different age groups!   
Having a baby again, I was pleased to check out the area for the little ones!  They had 2 childcare personnel in there to watch over them.  (I believe there were 5 babies total.)  One thing I loved?  You MUST do one of 2 things to enter: Take off your shoes or wear shoe covering booties!   Yes!!!  Babies are crawling around and you do NOT need to be bringing those outdoor germs on your shoes in to where they play!  They had plenty of toys for the little ones as well as this comfy looking chair if one needs a book read to them or a little one on one time.  
All of their cribs are lined up against the wall.  Each one has the baby name on the outside and I loved that they had clear ends so that you could see from wherever you were what was going on.  
While we were there, they actually had a pumpkin there letting the babies feel the pumpkin and having a little lesson with them.  (You can never start too early!)  

Speaking of pumpkins... They are currently doing their fall lessons, so pumpkins were a theme in each of the classes, no matter what the age was!  One class was about to start their lesson while another was already actively enjoying it.  It was neat to see that they let the children each get a scoop out of the cut pumpkin.  They discussed how it felt, how pumpkins grew, how big it was and even got a math lesson in on counting the pumpkin seeds in the scoop they got!   
All over the room was different area's of learning.  They had writing centers, reading area's, dramatic play ... and then I noticed a little canopy area.  I presumed it was for a reading area, but was told it was a "cozy corner."  They don't do "time out" there, but instead redirect the child and let them sit in the "cozy corner" until they are okay again.  KinderCare seems to make learning fun and at that young of an age (they start taking babies at 6 weeks old)  it is great to get a love of learning in them. They have "small groups" two times a week.  Small groups can be anything from math or phonics and they also have a "cooking" lesson one time a week!  
I though the outside area was a great area for more than just recess.  They allow the children to take their learning outdoors from time to time. If they want to paint out there, great... If they want to take a walk around the playground (it is more like a reward time with the director to do so)  When the weather is nice, they even allow picnic snack time!  They do require that the children wear sunscreen and when it is warm they require each child to have a water bottle outside with them.  The playground has many area's to enjoy and they even have little roads painted on the area for them to ride their cars and what not.  Super cute.  I loved that it was so open and had shaded area's as well as sunny bright spots. (This is just one area, there is still more playground to both the front and right side of the picture!)  Come to find out, they walk the playground daily to check for safety before even allowing the children out to play on it.  Talk about being protective!   

As I mentioned, they start taking babies as young as 6 weeks.. but you might have an older child. They take children until the age of 12.  If you have a young one in school, they even do after school pick up!  (14 children per van!)

We were able to enjoy checking out the local campus and I am sure they would love to give you a tour as well.  Just don't think you will walk up and head on in.  They do take safety precautions for all the little ones.  The front door is locked.  You will receive a door access code when you enroll your child.  It is a code that is linked to your family.  You use that code to gain entry.
If you have someone else picking up your child, they must be on a list and even then, they have security questions they must answer in order to take the child.  The more the better, if you ask me!  I don't think there is too much you can do to ensure the safety of my babies!  

Like I said, we aren't looking at this time, but if you are... Make sure you take a look to see if there is a KinderCare near you!  


  1. I love that they have you cover your shoes when you go in there. I never went to daycare when I was little. My mom worked part time. For awhile a neighbor lady up the street watched us.

  2. I have heard of Kindercare. I'm happy to learn more about them too. I like that there was more than just one person in the room. That does add extra peace of mind.

  3. I have been looking for childcare, My freinds told me about Kindercare. thanks for sharing useful information :)


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